A recent study by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported that during the decade from 1980 to 1990, the world's tropical forests were reduced by an average of 15.4 million hectares per year (0.8 percent annual rate of deforestation). Its effects are felt on the natural environment also. The major causes of deforestation is rapid population growth, which leads to an increase in the demand for crop and grazing land, wood for fuel and construction [2]. Visit BYJU's for detailed information. What is the main cause of population growth? Deforestation from 1968-78 in 39 countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia is significantly related to the rate of population growth over the period and to wood fuels production and wood exports in 1968; it is indirectly related to agricultural expansion and not related to the growth of per capita GNP. C. deforestation. Poverty is believed to be the leading cause of overpopulation. The consumption of fuelwood made up 88% of the total roundwood produced in 1994 in the region. Effects of overpopulation. Exhaustion of natural resources: the main effect of overpopulation is the unequal and unrestrained use of resources.The planet has a limited capacity to generate raw materials and each year the natural resources deficit - the consumption of resources at a faster rate than . In places where there are developments in mining and tourism, people are attracted by jobs. 13 What causes population growth in South America? Lack of Water. A higher consumption of goods and services. Soil Erosion and Flooding. Bolstered by a strong currency, merchants might begin importing more cereal . population growth, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia; and increasing affluence in middle income countries. Economic needs paired with population growth and the rather low value of forest areas generate increasing pressure on our natural resources. Tags: Question 3 . 1 However, deforestation rates were much significantly higher. Population growth is the increase in the number of people living in a particular area. Drought alters just about everything including farming opportunity, food and water security, population growth and migration. This unit addresses: (1) the definition of overpopulation (2) the causes of rapid population growth, (3) the consequences of rapid population growth, and (4) ac-tions and strategies that can be developed to solve problems caused by overpopula-tion. The results show that a 1 percent increase in population growth increases the deforestation rate by 2.7 percent through the increase in agricultural land. 17 How does overpopulation affect our community? At the peak of population growth during the second stage, the proportion of children tends to be high, while in the third stage it is low. The basic need is for better resource utilization. How population growth affects the environment economy and development? Eutrophication causes the dense growth of plant life that consumes oxygen, resulting in the death of aquatic animals. The growth rate of population (3% per year) exceeds the growth rate of food production (2% per year). Since populations can grow exponentially, resource depletion can occur rapidly, leading to specific environmental concerns such as global warming, deforestation and decreasing biodiversity. A recent study by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported that during the decade from 1980 to 1990, the world's tropical forests were reduced by an average of 15.4 million hectares per year (0.8 percent annual rate of deforestation). D. More businesses clear land to build factories. Yes, population growth is a leading factor in global warming and climate change today. To learn about the causes, effects, control of deforestation with videos and FAQs. . 14 How does urbanization affect South America's environment? The UN FAO estimate that 10 million hectares of forest were cut down each year. As more people than ever rely on charcoal especially in sub Saharan Africa, large-scale deforestation ensues. Other major sources of eutrophication are industry and sewage disposal--both related to population growth. Overgrazing, Overcultivation, Deforestation, Irrigation, population growth. 1.1 A varying relationship between population and deforestation n assiduous debate on the role of population change in deforestation and forest degradation continues with one group considering population growth as the main cause of deforestation while the other group terming it as inconspicuous. Western experts that rapid population growth in the developing world represented a serious global crisis. The hope that a majority urban population would slow the clearing of tropical forests — our most effective carbon sinks — seems, however, to have been misplaced. These countries cannot produce enough food to support their population and rely on . 2016 ). More farmland is needed to feed the population. How Forest Loss Is Leading To a Rise in Human Disease. There are several direct consequences of overpopulation:. More businesses clear land to build factories. causes can explain deforestation: the direct causes, such as infrastructure development or agricultural expansion; and the underlying causes, such as economic development or population expansion. The increase of mining for gold and other valuable minerals in tropical forests is furthering damage due to the rising demand and high mineral prices. How overgrazing causing desertification? In Borneo, an island . The impacts of deforestation in exacerbating rural poverty are complex and widespread. 2009 was noted as the first year that more people lived in urban spaces than in rural areas. Why does population growth cause environmental pollution? The rapidly growing human population in sub-Saharan Africa generates increasing demand for agricultural land and forest products, which presumably leads to deforestation. . In South America the proportion of the population under 15 years is . Malawi has exceptionally high rates of population growth (3.1%) and deforestation (2.4%), suggesting a Malthusian link between the two. One of the factors responsible for environment degradation is population growth or population density. One of the most dangerous and unsettling effects of deforestation is the loss of animal and plant species due to their loss of habitat. The Upper Guinean forest of West Africa, identified over 20 years ago as a "global biodiversity hotspot" due to its exceptional concentrations of endemic species and exceptional loss of habitats, encompasses all of the lowland forests of West Africa (Mittermeier and others, 1999; Myers and . The main causes of desertification include: Population growth - the population in some desert areas is increasing. Geist & Lambin's meta-analysis of 152 case studies of tropical deforestation suggests that, although most cases of deforestation are driven at least partially by population growth, population factors almost always operate in concert with political, economic, and ecological processes, and the relative impact of each factor varies depending on . Tropical Deforestation in . One of the major causes of deforestation in sub Saharan Africa today is clearing of the forests for agricultural uses. Population increases in the remaining croplands are expected to produce further encroachment on rangelands and forests and increased ecologic degradation, in turn producing further population pressure, poverty, land degradation, and desertification. 15 Why is South America sparsely populated? Urbanization, Deforestation, Reforestation. Ethiopia is the second populous country in Africa while it is one of the Sub-Saharan Countries trapped by poverty. Growing populations need more agricultural land or better farming practices to support them. rapid population growth can result in large increases in the infant mortality rate if there is. Urbanization and population growth are driving an increase in demand for charcoal, as deforestation intensifies. The infant mortality rate has decreased globally, with 4.1 million infant deaths in 2017 compared to 8.8 million in 1990, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). 5. The process of accelerated population growth in India till 1970s were observed to witness a marginal deceleration during 1980s, as the decadal population growth was 23.9 percent compared to 24.9 percent in 1970s. More people gather food from the forests. Each child born in the United States will add about 9,441 metric tons of carbon dioxide to the . All these human activities which are considered to be the causes of deforestation invariably rise with the rise in population. D. increased migration. What does this constant growth mean? Answers: 1 Get Other questions on the subject: Social Studies . Immigration. One of the primary causes of environmental degradation in a country could be attributed to rapid growth of population, which adversely affects the natural resources and environment. causes can explain deforestation: the direct causes, such as infrastructure development or agricultural expansion; and the underlying causes, such as economic development or population expansion. An increased population is putting greater pressure on the environment for resources such as wood and water. The uprising population and the Africa is projected to be home to nearly 2.8 billion people by 2100, but rapid population growth will cause widespread environmental degradation unless effective family planning becomes widespread policy. The environment, culture, politics, food supply, and demand, the undermined ability of some of the natural resources to replenish - everything . Deforestation • The major cause of deforestation in Africa is Increased Greenhouse Gases. Poverty. • 90% of African population uses fuelwood for cooking. In places where there are developments in mining and tourism, people are attracted by jobs. How does population growth cause deforestation in Africa? ADVERTISEMENTS: Effects of Population Growth on our Environment! The main causes of desertification include: Population growth - the population in some desert areas is increasing. Citation: Josephat M. Deforestation in uganda: population increase, forests loss and climate change. We quantified the effect of human population growth and development on rates of deforestation and analyzed the relationship between these causal factors in the 1980s and 1990s. In her article Jennifer Weeks tells us, "The world 's population, now about 7.2 billion people, could rise to nearly 11 billion or more by 2100, according to some estimates, with nearly all the growth in developing countries" (Global Population Growth, 2015). The growth in urban population would also encourage increases in the shifting cultivation of staple crops in peri-urban zones, a pattern that would be consistent with the reported association between recent deforestation and growth in areas cultivated for staple crops . 19 What are 3 effects of population growth? Although tropical forests are largely confined to developing countries, they aren't just meeting local or national needs; economic globalization means that the needs and wants of the global population are bearing down on them as well. Yvonne Agyei * Deforestation is an complex problem. Water in the Atmosphere. We compared the aver … The global community has not adequately addressed the important links The assumptions on population and GDP as well as the seven alternative deforestation scenarios are introduced in Table 2. Net forest loss is not the same as deforestation - it measures deforestation plus any gains in forest over a given period. 2020). How does population growth cause deforestation in Africa? Deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa. And with these settlements come even more infrastructure and expansion. The trends of forestland in Rwanda and Zimbabwe vividly present the finding. As they do not have enough sewerage systems and garbage disposal facilities, the wastes generated by their day to day living only help pollute their environment. 18 How does overpopulation affect the economy? In places where there are developments in mining and tourism, people are attracted. The rapid population growth of the region-the highest in the world-combined with high rates of urbanization promoted these unsustainable activities by creating demand for bushmeat, fuelwood, and other forest products. (32b) answer choices . The population across Africa is growing annually, and because we have a large land area with ample forests, Africans are using it to farm as a means of securing their food security while lifting themselves out of poverty. A 2009 study of the relationship between population growth and global warming determined that the "carbon legacy" of just one child can produce 20 times more greenhouse gas than a person will save by driving a high-mileage car, recycling, using energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs, etc. Climate Change . The world cropland average is only 0.27 ha available per capita, or roughly one-half the needed amount (Table 1). The primary (and perhaps most obvious) cause of population growth is an imbalance between births and deaths. Primates and other animals are also spreading disease from cleared forests to people. Sub-Saharan Africa is the region most affected as it has the most rapid population growth in the world (Chen and Ravallion, 2010). Deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa. How does population growth cause deforestation in Africa? The purpose of this unit is to examine some important factors about overpopula-tion. Mining. Population growth has been an important driver for this process, but is an insufficient explanation by itself. 15 Why is South America sparsely populated? …. Reduced Mortality Rates. In particular, population density plays the most important role in shaping the socio-economic environment. Causes of Deforestation: Direct Causes People have been deforesting the Earth for thousands of years, primarily to clear land for crops or livestock. Knowing that, what climate region would have the highest population density (the most people living there)? Additionally, the land that has its forests stripped might end up being replaced by monocrop agriculture and farmland. Generation of Waste: Due to his destructive activities, man […] The results illustrate strong empirical evidence that high population growth of local residents increases deforestation through expansion of agricultural land. . What can cause population growth? The most important proximal cause of forest loss in Malawi has been the expansion of agricultural land. Poverty is one of the most significant indirect reasons causing deforestation across Africa - and it is increasing. Climate change is a leading cause of deforestation. V - Desertification and Deforestation in Africa - R. Penny ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) Population growth and increasing per capita demands for forest products and therefore forest exploitation, and the conversion of forested land for the purpose because of continuing population growth and rapid land degradation (Leach, 1995). Deforestation is linked to urbanization in a process leading to the high population density, which makes the cities or societies becoming more urban. The infant mortality rate has decreased globally, with 4.1 million infant deaths in 2017 compared to 8.8 million in 1990, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Per capita income varies from $500/year in Burkina Faso to $1,000/year in Mali to $2,000/year in Nigeria. How does population growth cause desertification? Deforestation - Deforestation Defined as the large-scale removal of trees from forests (or other lands) for the facilitation of human activities. these linkages sees population growth as a fundamental cause of degradation, as exemplified in the following quotation from the popular scientific literature, which is representative of many: "As population pressures mount, the degradation of arable lands in wide areas of Africa, Asia and Latin America increases. . Land tenure and increasing population are also a major cause of deforestation. The angles from which you can approach this problem are almost endless. As the tide of human population growth washes over the land, large swaths of forest get cleared to make way for the expansion of cities and settlements. the rainforest 18 How does overpopulation affect the economy? The largest share of greenhouse gases emanates from developed countries with large population (Liao and Cao 2013 ; Althor et al. Not only does forest loss reduce forest communities' contributions to national economic growth, but more critically, it threatens the livelihoods and traditions of rural and forest dwelling people across the country (Acheampong and Marfo, 2011). Over the decade since 2010, the net loss in forests globally was 4.7 million hectares per year.  The growth of population depends upon fertility, mortality and migration. How does population growth cause desertification? According to these results the tropical forest area in Africa will be reduced by one third to one half until 2025, which would mean an annual average decrease of 4.9 - 8.1 million hectares. Two examples are especially illuminating. Destruction of Homelands. South America - South America - Effects of rapid population increase: Rapid population expansion has had important demographic and social effects. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water. More people require more resources, which means that as the population increases, the Earth's resources deplete more rapidly.The result of this depletion is deforestation and loss of biodiversity as humans strip the Earth of resources to accommodate rising population numbers. And as cities become larger so they can host more people, they challenge the natural boundaries surrounding them, often leading to deforestation. The main causes of desertification include: Population growth - the population in some desert areas is increasing. Causes of Deforestation Mining. In areas of low precipitation, like Sub-Saharan Africa, long droughts that turn arid land to unproductive, barren soil are a frequent cause of desertification. The total population is around 260,000,000 people. This is welcome public health news, of course. Humans cause deforestation in order to sell timber or other large tree products. A shortage of clean food and water. This urban growth - in which 68% of the world's population is expected to live in cities by 2050 - is leading to an exponential growth of housing and consumption sites. North Africa, along with Sub-Saharan Africa and South India, has among the world's highest population growth rates and as one widely quoted study put it, "the Arab Spring could not have occurred without the ideological and numerical push of a huge mass of angry youth." Neighboring countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, which still has among the . 60 seconds . In order to meet this demand for food, we have to produce more crop. 19 What are 3 effects of population growth? For instance, population growth is directly related to increase in the demand for food. Nevertheless, agriculture constitutes the main cause - in particular the slash-and-burn agriculture practiced by the different populations. Yvonne Agyei * Deforestation is an complex problem. Fertility Treatment. 16 What does overpopulation tend to impact the most? 13 What causes population growth in South America? Environ Risk Assess Remediat. This shortage of productive cropland is, in part, the cause of the food shortages and poverty that many humans are experiencing today (Leach, 1995). Population pressure contributes to land degradation and soil erosion, thus affecting productive resource base of the economy.Feb 3, 2021. How does population growth affect the world? C. More wood is needed to build skyscrapers. What are the 10 causes of deforestation? argue that population density, rural population, rural poverty, industrial logging for exports, economic growth, late enactment of forest laws, and public ownership of forests are underlying causes of deforestation in the region. This causes environmental impacts . • Major reason for deforestation in Africa is poverty & economic underdevelopment. More farmland is needed to feed the population People need water to survive. More people gather food from the forests. A solution needs to be based on sustainable intensification of current production systems in particular at the level of smallholder farmers that are usually achieving yields below local and regional averages. quently cited causes of deforestation. Africa natural Resources Institute Kampala, Uganda, East Africa Tel: +256 771 266 880 E-mail: [email protected] Accepted date: April 04, 2018. • With rapid increase in population growth & higher rates of urbanization the need for fuelwood as source of energy will continue to grow. 17 How does overpopulation affect our community? Rapid growth has also hampered economic development and caused massive unemployment. More wood is needed to build skyscrapers. Population growth is placing stress on the natural environment, creating scarcity, and leading to problems such as deforestation and global warming. In the last 50 years, the number of humans on this Earth has doubled to 7.4 billion and exceeding that to somewhere in between 8 to 11 billion by 2050. Population is doubling every 20 years. Nevertheless, agriculture constitutes the main cause - in particular the slash-and-burn agriculture practiced by the different populations. More farmland is needed to feed the population. The Deforestation of the Upper Guinean Forest. by Tristan Jones | February 11, 2010. Poor Contraceptive Use. Conversely, a greening of . These are the leading causes: Poverty. The main three causes of those phenomena that suffer the environment are industrial development, climate imbalance, and soil erosion. Animals pull out roots of vegetation, leading to soil erosion and reduced regrowth and larger animals may compress soil preventing infiltration . Human population and development activities affect the rate of deforestation in biodiversity hotspots. The cost of mediating eutrophication in the U.S., in 2013, was estimated at over over $2.2 billion annually. Population growth: To meet the demands of a rapidly growing population in developing countries, forests are converted for agricultural lands, new living settlements, and infrastructure-building of roads.

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