Farmer's perceptions towards private nurseries and tree plantings in the uplift of rural communities in Rawalpindi circle, Punjab Mamoona Wali Muhammad 1, Syed Ajmal Rahim 2, Junaid Mumtaz 3 and Syed Akmal Rahim 4 / 1.Assistant Professor, Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar; 2.Conservator of Forests, Punjab Forest Department, Sargodha; 3.DOF, Punjab … Khan 1 Laboratory of Dendrochronology and Plant Ecology of Pakistan, Dept. Status and issues of forests Pakistan is one of the low forest cover countries with only 5 percent of land area under natural forests and tree cover. Status of forests in Pakistan: • Pakistan is one of the low forest cover countries. The central service examination are held every year typically in the month of Feburary by the federal public service commission, islamabad. Since inception, more than 61,000 hectares of forest land has been converted to barren terrain according to a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) report. About 6000 species of higher plants are noted in various forms (Shinwari, 2002). Pakistan is a forest poor country where less than 6 per cent of total area is under forests. The percentage of Pakistan's area that is forest is disputed. Forest Genetic Resources Working Papers, Working Paper FGR/67E. Who can apply? The past distribution and gradual decline of these forests is traced by literature search. Status of forest genetic resources conservation and management in Pakistan. The primary aim of this programme is to promote research projects within the context of doctoral programmes. Woody biomass is disappearing at a rate of 4-6 per cent per annum, the second-highest in the world.1 If forest degradation continues at this rate, the entire woody biomass stock of the country is likely to be consumed between 2015 and 2020.2 The controlled conditions provide the culture an environment conducive for their growth and multiplication. Every year thousands of hectares of forest is destroyed, making way for various human activities. Climate Change Impacts on Water Sector in Pakistan 28 3. Before land reclamation following canal irrigation these forests were the main source of firewood supplies for urban and rural populations. Less than 5 percent of Pakistan’s total area is under forest cover, and 1.5 … The coastal communities as well as the fisheries of the coast are dependent on this ecosystem, their very existence entwined with its well being. of Pakistan in December 1992, aimed to intensify management of coniferous forests, protect and develop watersheds, and expand areas under farm forestry. While in 2014-15 and 2015-16 it decreases to some extent and remains same in both years equals to 4.54 Million Hectares. Agriculture, forestry, and other land use sectors account for a quarter of global emissions. 2012 RESEARCH PAPER OPEN ACCESS Present status of moist temperate vegetation of Thandiani forests district Abbottabad Pakistan Waqas Khan1, Habib Ahmad2, Faizul Haq1*, Mazharul Islam1, Fozia Bibi1 1Department of Botany, Hazara University Mansehra, Pakistan 2Department of Genetics, Hazara University Mansehra, Pakistan the total forest cover of Pakistan is only 3.7%, and this valuable natural resource is under threat from severe deforestation. ... Read free for 30 days 2003. In the mean time before such an amendment is possible, an ordinance is the way out. In areas where the forest remains, its richness and health is declining. Change in Forest Cover: Between 1990 and 2010, Pakistan lost an average of 42,000 ha or 1.66% per year. Forest area (% of land area) in Pakistan was reported at 4.8333 % in 2020, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources. Reasons of low forests area are 1. 80 Khan et al. 3. J. BIOL. Forest management faces many challenges in Pakistan. J. Biosci. Women in Pakistan have played an important role throughout Pakistan's history and they are allowed to vote in elections since 1956. Pakistan is home to five of the world's largest mangroves and receives special attention for their ecological importance and coastal stabilization potential. Introduction. Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries, Punjab (1983 b). CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): Forest genetic resources (FGR) play an important role in offering numerous goods and services to mankind and also in mitigation pollution and providing a good source of revenue to national governments. Objective. 400 (7.8%) of these are endemic to Pakistan representing 149 genera and 41 families. As the world’s population grows, forests are coming under more pressure than ever. Pakistan is a forest poor country where less than 6 per cent of total area is under forests. Future Trends of Temperature and Precipitation 17 b. • Major forest types include coastal mangroves, riverine forests, sub-tropical scrub forests, moist temperate conifer forests, dry temperate conifer forests and irrigated plantations including linear … Forests face tremendous pressure, not only from a population of 160 million people for meeting their needs3 (be it only subsistence needs), but also from market forces which have seen soaring timber prices for many years now. In reality, forests can be managed in much more sustainable fashion by involving rather than alienating local communities. So, it is a dire need of time to reforest these rapidly declining forests. 400 (7.8%) of these are endemic to Pakistan representing 149 genera and 41 families. In Pakistan, women have held high offices including that of the Prime Minister, Speaker of the National Assembly, Leader of the Opposition, as well as … According to the experts forests should cover at least 25% of the total area of the country but unfortunately in Pakistan only 5.7 pc of land … Forest resources directly contribute to 80% of livelihood of people living in extreme poverty. This chapter illustrates the status of forestry sector in Bangladesh and identifies constraints of sustainable management. Anthropogenic and … Further, it outlines strategies and action plan for the Project Summary: Sustainable forest management is a means of protecting forests whilst offering direct benefits to people and the environment. Forests help to monitor the flow of rivers in the north … It contributes to local livelihoods and offers environmental benefits such as carbon sequestration and conserving water, soil andbiodiversity. Social forestry is the planting of trees or shrubs aiming at the well-being and betterment of local communities. About 6000 species of higher plants are noted in various forms (Shinwari, 2002). Forests in Pakistan are declining with annual reduction of 2.5% (Economic Survey of Pakistan, 2016-17) due to local fuel wood collection, commercial harvesting and mismanagement. Forest department is ill equipped to counter these challenges. 2. During 1990, the percentage of forest area in Pakistan was 3.28 which decreased up to the lowest value of 1.91 % in 2015. 1.1 Forest Area of Pakistan and its comparison with other countries following progressive forestry practices Pakistan is a forest poor country. Only 4.72 million hectares or 5.36 percent of its land mass is covered with forests (See map on next page). The present status of natural tropical thorn forest was appraised by surveying areas formerly under these fi~rests. Growth of forestry Projected Sea Level Rise 21 C. Sector Climate Change Impacts 23 1. According to the survey done under the Red Plus programme in 2017, the forest cover of Pakistan is 5.7%. Choudary Ihtasham Ali 10Y 25Y Climate Change Impacts on Energy Sector 31 4. c/o Forest Research Institute Malaysia Kepong, 52109 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Email: [email protected] For quotation: Shams R. Khan. Pakistan had 340,000 ha of planted forest. Firstly, Pakistan inherited a very small forest area at the time of independence 2. Temperate Forest (Champion et al., 1965). INT. Only 4.72 million hectares or 5.36 percent of its land mass is covered with forests (See map on next page). The comparison indicated that the natural tropical thorn forest system of the Punjab has almost disappeared. Some of the important NTFPs in Pakistan are: A) Food products • … the ways that forests and trees contribute to sustainable development (CIFOR, 2016). The administrative units of Pakistan refers to the subnational administrative divisions that play a role in the governance of Pakistan.The country is composed of four provinces and one federal territory: the provinces of Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh, and the federally-administered Islamabad Capital Territory.Additionally, Pakistan also administers two … Projections of Future Climate Trends in Pakistan 17 a. They also contributed to the stability of the fragile areas and supported a thriving wildlife. In Pakistan/AJK the population status and detailed habitat analysis of Himalayan Monal are still poorly understood. The share of forestry in country’s economy is 456 millions in 1999-00 (Economic Survey of Pakistan, 2000). STATUS OF VEGETATION ANALYSIS IN PAKISTAN 1 Moinuddin Ahmed, 2Syed Shahid Shaukat and 3D. The 2nd Federal Forestry Board (FFB) meeting held on 24th of October, 2018 discussed the status of revision/up-scaling of the GPP in which the emphases was given on early submission of revised/up-scaled PC-I of the project by all the federating Units of Pakistan. Pakistan has about 4.8 % of forest cover. The forest lies in mountains ranging from more than 1,000m (3,000 feet) above sea level to nearly 3,500 metres above sea level. The total area covered by forest in Pakistan is 4.8%. 17 species of mushrooms are reported during the study and about 34% of local people are dependent on … BIOTECH., 7 (3): 147-158, 2010. Excellently-qualified doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists who have completed a Master's degree or Diplom, or in exceptional cases a Bachelor's degree at the latest by the time they begin their grant-supported research, or … The seminar was organized by the Department of Forestry including poster exhibition with the themes of World Habitat Day, International … Int. Forestry 1.79 6.58 1.88 -12.45 14.31 -2.37 7.17 Fishing 3.77 0.65 0.98 5.75 3.25 1.23 1.63 P: Provisional Source: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics During 2017-18, the availability of water for Kharif 2017 stood at 70.0 Million Acre Feet (MAF) showing a decrease of 2.0 percent over The share of forestry in country’s economy is 456 millions in 1999-00 (Economic Survey of Pakistan, 2000). Status of Forests in Pakistan - View presentation slides online. Forests and trees on farms are an important carbon sink and this potential can be increased through afforestation efforts. Pakistan is a forest deficit country as per UNDP report. Chapter I: Overview of Status, Trends of and Threats to Biodiversity 1 Introduction 1 Biomes of Pakistan 1 Status of Biodiversity 2 Fauna 2 Invertebrates 4 Flora 4 Agricultural Biodiversity 4 Livestock Biodiversity 5 Dry and Sub humid Lands Biodiversity 5 Forest Biodiversity 6 Inland Waters Biodiversity 8 of Botany, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Gulshan-e-Iqbal Campus, Karachi-75300, Pakistan 2 Institute of Environmental … The UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation estimates 2.2% of the total land of Pakistan is covered by forests. Deforestation is the major cause of emissions from the forestry sector, and agriculture remains the key driver of deforestation. Although ADB had limited experience with forestry projects in Pakistan, it incorporated lessons from other agencies that had been engaged in the sector for a longer time. The conservation of forests is the goal agreed by the world through Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the 2030 agenda of UN. Pakistan Forest Information and Data According to the U.N. FAO, 2.2% or about 1,687,000 ha of Pakistan is forested, according to FAO. 2. Women in Pakistan make up 48.76% of the population according to the 2017 census of Pakistan. Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture, Livestock, and Forestry 23 2. RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th Oct, 2020 ) :A national seminar was held at Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi (PMAS-AAUR) on "Status of Forestry in Pakistan", here on Tuesday.. While onward to 2016 to 2018 it increases again and become 4.55 Million Hectares again. Tissue culture is the in vitro aseptic culture of cells, tissues, organs or whole plant under controlled nutritional and environmental conditions [] often to produce the clones of plants.The resultant clones are true-to type of the selected genotype. Form PCI Proforma for Pakistan Forestry Planning and Development. The forests of Pakistan reflect great physiographic, climatic and edaphic contrasts in the country.Pakistan is an oblong stretch of land between the Arabian sea and Karakoram mountains, lying diagonally between 24° N and 37° N latitudes and 61° E and 75° E longitudes, and covering an area of 87.98 million hectares. Pakistan - Forest area (% of land area) - actual values, historical data, forecasts and projections were sourced from the World Bank on February of 2022. Group E Agriculture and Forestry Chapter Forestry Situation in Pakistan MCQs: The Central Superior Services (denoted as CSS; or Bureaucracy) is an elite permanent bureaucratic authority, and the civil service that is responsible for running the civilian bureaucratic operations and government secretariats and directorates of the Cabinet of Pakistan. The Constitution of Pakistan requires a two-thirds majority for passing a constitutional amendment. According to the Forestry Sector Master Plan (FSMP), 1992, natural forests Pakistan - Pakistan - Daily life and social customs: Throughout Pakistan, as in most agrarian societies, family organization is strongly patriarchal, and most people live with large extended families, often in the same house or family compound. The total forest area of Pakistan is reported to have varied over the years, but a recent study carried out by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations found that over 4 million hectares of land are covered with forests in the country. Over 600,000 hectares of Pakistan’s coastline is under mangrove forestation. 1. STATE OF PAKISTAN'S FORESTS Pakistan is poorly endowed with forest resources. Forest Resources Development Service, Forest Resources Division. On the contrary, Pakistan Forest Institute estimates it to be 5.1%. Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries, Lahore, Pakistan: 16 pp., mimeogr.Google Scholar The eldest male, whether he is the father, grandfather, or paternal uncle, is the family leader and makes all significant decisions … A constitutional amendment in the National Assembly of Pakistan would require the Imran Khan government to be bipartisan in its dealings. Under SDGs target 15.2 each country has responsibility to protect, enhance and sustainably manage its forest areas by 2030. The Federal Government would make an allocation of Rs. 2.00 billion on cost sharing basis for the five years of Phase-I to reclaim and develop forest areas of Pakistan as per directive of Prime Minister. Forest space (% of land area) in Islamic Republic of Pakistan was reportable at 1.91% you interested by 2015 in keeping with the world Bank assortment of development indicators, compiled from formally recognized sources, total forests resources of Islamic Republic of Pakistan area unit 4.2 million hectares at that regarding 152.53 million population … However, the habitat of Himalayan Monal in the areas extends outside the study area. "special" or "specialty" forest products. Natural tropical thorn forests once formed one of the most remarkable landscapes of the Punjab plains in Pakistan. This specific branch of forestry is capable of ensuring the economic, ecological, and social benefits to the people. Since most of area falls in arid and semi-arid region, low precipitation naturally deters the growth of forests. Present study was conducted in a limited area of game reserve. Status in Pakistan Pakistan is still a forest poor country with only 0.03 ha of forest are per capita of population. In total, between 1990 and 2010, Pakistan lost 33.2% of its forest cover, or around 840,000 ha. Pakistan's forests contain 213 million metric tons of carbon in living forest biomass. Important NTFPs are; morels, honey, fruits and nuts, vegetable, condiments and spices, mazri palm, silk cocoon, and many other. If you're looking for the latest information regarding the css syllabus 2022, then you are in the right place as you will find all the required information regarding the CSS Syllabus 2022 on this page. Pakistan is a forest-poor country, mainly due to arid and semi-arid climate in large parts of the country. Forest Status in Pakistan By: JAVED IQBAL Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sc, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague Province/Region/Territory Landcover class Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Punjab Sindh Balochistan Gilgit - Baltistan Azad Jammu & Kashmir FATA/FRs Islamabad Total % 1. A mangrove (Littoral and Swamp) 1.1 Forest Area of Pakistan and its comparison with other countries following progressive forestry practices Pakistan is a forest poor country. This research was planned to assess the current carbon storage status and future potential of agroforestry systems in Pakistan through a nondestructive approach (allometric equations) in 14 subdivisions (tehsils) of three selected districts located in the irrigated plains of Punjab, Pakistan. In 2012-13 the land under forests in Pakistan is 4.26 Million Hectares & 4.55 Million Hectares during 2013-14.

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