It occurs in every country in the world including Australia. 11 There are modern slavery risks in all sectors and industries. The Freedom Fund. The Palermo Protocol in 2000 resulted in anti-slavery activity and legislation, but the movement has failed with little research asking why and what could be done differently. Modern Slavery A Reality. In 2021, we initiated a series of targeted engagements to learn more about this important dimension of ESG risk. Consider whether there is a high . Large public sector entities now need to explain what they are doing to assess and address modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains. have or put in place measures to prevent and address modern slavery. Any questions regarding this event may be directed to … Criminal see it as a high-reward and a low-risk. We asked the organisation a series of questions about its modern slavery statement. The Business Role In Addressing Modern-Day Slavery. In this book, Nolan In … Through comprehensive research and engagement with companies, investors can not only report on modern slavery risks but also strive to reduce them. The steps we’re taking to reduce risks and initiate improvements within our business and supply chains In accordance with the Federal Government’s Modern Slavery Act 2018, this statement outlines the steps taken during FY2018/19 to assess and address modern slavery risks within Uniting and That means that there are 5.4 victims of modern slavery for every 1000 people in the world…. Any form of modern slavery is unacceptable and we are proud of our work to assess and address the risk of modern slavery within Part of the problem with addressing modern slavery is the lack of punishment and enforcement. Twitter. A number of major apparel brands and retailers have recently been exposed for unfair labor practices in their factories. This research adopts the awareness-motivation-capability (AMC) framework to investigate AMC-related factors that help to explain this variation. Its answers are published on this page as a statement summary. The toolkit will explain the relevance of modern slavery to the SME community using real-world examples and focus on key risks associated with modern slavery, such as working hours, use of migrant labor, and retention of identity documents. It is everybody’s responsibility to address and eliminate this crime where it occurs. 01/01/2015. 'Addressing Modern Slavery shines a light on the terrible human cost of our insatiable consumption. To ensure that the root causes of modern slavery are addressed, it is vital to have an effective labour protection framework. All Avast employees can use the process to raise concerns and problems with Avast management. We relied on existing frameworks including those Thanks to a joint effort by anti-slavery groups, that veil of secrecy is beginning to be lifted. Prevent crisis. Addressing Mental Health Needs in Survivors of Modern Slavery. Human Rights Insights: Addressing Modern Slavery in Supply Chains 2 Modern slavery is an emerging area of focus for the State Street Global Advisors’ Asset Stewardship program. This includes 25 professionals can address modern slavery in supply chains through theThe e P: • Putting into place POLICIESto prevent, detect and eradicate modern slavery within their own operations and the operations of suppliers and business partners, and: establish codes of conduct which set out the essential standards of personal and corporate conduct and The Procurement Board may issue more materials to guide agency responses to modern slavery risks in procurement. Addressing these risks through a systematic approach to our procurement processes, practices and dealings with suppliers is an essential element of progressing the global eradication of modern slavery and human trafficking. Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement . Modern slavery is a serious violation of an individual’s dignity and human rights. As numerous studies have now demonstrated, modern slavery is linked to environmental degradation and climate change. “Trafficking in persons,” “human trafficking,” and “modern slavery” are used as umbrella terms to refer to both sex trafficking and compelled labor. Webjet Limited is committed to ensuring high Wednesday 8 December at 2pm-3.15pm GMT. A GUIDE FOR COMPANIES AND INVESTORS . The Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (GFEMS) is a newer initiative in this field that has as a mission ending MS by making it economically unprofitable (Global Fund to End Modern Slavery 2018). Understand the highly contextual nature of modern slavery, how the term relates to international norms, its root causes, and the business case for addressing it. In Modern Slavery, Kara draws on his many years of expertise to demonstrate the scope of slavery and offer a concrete path to its abolition. 114 A single comprehensive labour … Below are some basic recommendations and scenarios that companies should consider: Clearly state your position Put in place short-term, medium-term, and long-term mitigation plans to address the various stages of the crisis and recovery. Modern Slavery is a term used to describe practices such as forced labour, human trafficking, child labour and other severely exploitative practices which typically involve the use of coercion, deception or deprivation of liberty. Collaborate with industry peers and key stakeholders to address underlying challenges. modern slavery and labour exploitation risk is avoided or promptly addressed. This includes concerns about modern slavery and human trafficking. There is still significant variation in firms' efforts to address modern slavery issues in supply chains despite the importance of this grand challenge. Addressing Modern Slavery in Global Value Chains. Objective: To ensure the Australian Government leads by example in assessing and addressing modern slavery risks in its procurement and investment activities, including through the Modern slavery is a very real risk globally, including in developed markets. Addressing modern slavery risks can be a complex process and agency responses are likely to evolve over time. 1 Background on modern slavery, including: 15 1.1 Definitions, distinction from child labour, and ‘indicators’. addressing modern slavery. 15 1.2 Modern slavery as an extreme form of abuse on a February 2019 . Combating modern slavery risks in public sector procurement, including through collaboration with international and domestic counterparts. But right now, millions of children and adults are trapped in modern slavery throughout the world. Organisation address. The Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (GFEMS) is a newer initiative in this field that has as a mission ending MS by making it economically unprofitable (Global Fund to End Modern Slavery 2018). Across the UK, action is being taken to address modern slavery. Some studies have highlighted the overall connection between modern slavery and climate change.Others have noted the impacts of drought on human trafficking, the links between tree loss and modern slavery and the … high modern slavery risks because of their . Today, an estimated 40.3 million people are enslaved globally. Consumers need to be reassured that they aren’t solely responsible for the causes of modern slavery but are co-responsible for addressing it. Modern slavery has been studied from areas of social sciences and humanities, such as law, geography, politics and international development, with a primary focus on victims (Gold et al., 2016). Addressing modern slavery. The Compliance Checks assess an entity’s level of alignment with human rights standards and current best practice for addressing modern slavery. Facebook. We interviewed 21 retailers and tier 1 suppliers from across the apparel, grocery, department store, home and garden retail, beverage, fresh produce and … These ‘hotspots’ mean that the broader impacts of the nexus may not be captured. 3. ENCON GROUP LIMITED modern slavery statement summary (2022) Organisation address. It outlines the actions we have taken to assess and address modern slavery risks in our business and supply chains in FY2021. For example, there has been much focus on Thai fisheries. Modern slavery impacts on all of us, from the food we consume to the goods we purchase. Rachel Witkin Dr Katy Robjant &Rachel Shapcott. The United Nations estimates that there are approximately 40 million victims worldwide. First, viewing. The forms of modern slavery addressed in this toolkit are those imposed by private individuals or enterprises (as opposed to state-imposed forced labor). Acknowledging that modern slavery is a real and global concern with long- lasting impacts on affected individuals and communities, we recognise our responsibility to work collaboratively with our suppliers, customers, workforce and external stakeholders to reduce the risks of modern slavery in our operations and supply chains. Addressing consumer awareness and (in)action towards modern slavery 2 Acknowledgements Authors are listed alphabetically. Addressing Modern Slavery at COP26 Tackling the modern slavery – environmental degradation – climate change nexus KEY POLICY RECOMMENDATION: Achieving the environmental SDGs must address modern slavery (SDG 8.7), through expanding collaborative action to centre the voices and rights of workers, communities, and survivors of Addressing Modern Slavery examines slavery in the modern world and outlines ways it can be stopped. We recognise that modern slavery continues to take place around the world and that we have a responsibility as a company to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in our business or in our supply chains. We asked the organisation a series of questions about its modern slavery statement. Addressing Modern Slavery . Prof Cornelius Katona. This guidance is not exhaustive, and it is not legal advice. We have a Grievance Procedure in place which outlines the process for raising a grievance within Avast. The Act, which entered into force on 1 January 2019, requires large businesses, and the Australian Government, to publish annual Modern Slavery Statements outlining their actions to identify, assess and address modern … Responsibility for addressing modern slavery needs to be fairly distributed across different stakeholders, such as governments and businesses. The Modern Slavery Initiative provides a world-first digital platform that comprises a Modern Slavery Policy Compliance Check, Modern Slavery Remedy Compliance Check and Modern Slavery Statement Compliance Check. Addressing Modern Slavery. Building on these foundations, it is critical to seek workers’ perspectives on an ongoing basis. It is estimated that as many as 40 million people are victims of modern slavery around the world. Addressing Modern Slavery examines slavery in the modern world and outlines ways it can be stopped. Trinity Park House Trinity Business Park, Fox Way, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 8EE. Share. Practices that constitute modern slavery can include: • human trafficking • slavery • servitude • forced labour • debt bondage • forced marriage Addressing modern slavery What is modern slavery? instances of modern slavery, we have built on the groundwork established in our previous modern slavery statement and will continue to adapt our approach and actions in assessing and addressing modern slavery risks. Vulnerable populations, high-risk business models, high-risk products and service categories and high-risk geographies should all be considered when assessing the presence of modern slavery in an entity’ s operations and supply chains. EXPECTATIONS AND EXAMPLES OF GOOD PRACTICE We believe everyone, everywhere has the right to a life free from slavery. The International Labour Organization (ILO), the human rights group Walk Free Foundation, and the International Organization for Migration have produced a landmark report which takes the vital first step of accurately identifying exactly how many people are the victims of modern slavery. In 2018, we saw two key pieces of modern slavery legislation enacted in Australia, the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act (2018) and the NSW Modern Slavery Act (2018). We are committed to preventing, detecting and responding to modern slavery risks in our operations and supply chains. Addressing modern slavery We have applied the founding principles upon which our university was established to managed our ethical engagement and sustainability of relationships with both domestic and international suppliers: equity and social … This project examines the forms of modern day slavery that are most prevalent in Haiti and the Dominican Republic: domestic servitude and forced prostitution for the purpose of sex tourism, respectively. Investing time and resources in addressing modern slavery in supply chains will ultimately provide these businesses with new revenue opportunities and greater longevity. Addressing Modern Slavery in Government Supply Chains 7. In October 2021, we published our second Modern Slavery Statement 2021, in accordance with the requirements of the Australian Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). modern slavery in supply chains as a threat to firms, the AMC framework enables us to make. 2w. Home / About us / Governance / Modern Slavery Statement / At UnitingCare, we oppose exploitative practices that violate an individual’s dignity and human rights in all forms. Pfizer 2020 California and UK Modern Slavery Statement 6 Actions taken to assess and address the modern slavery risks Pfizer is committed to conducting business in an ethical and responsible manner, which includes respecting internationally recognised human rights Pfizer is proud to have been However, other communities and sectors have faced limited support. August 2021 Page2 of 9 Introduction . Design/methodology/approach In England and Wales, the 2014 Modern Slavery Strategy and 2015 Modern Slavery Act have framed work in this area. These studies primarily focus on the role of big brands in taking responsibility for and addressing modern slavery in September 24th, 2015, by Randy Newcomb . This event is free of charge, but you are kindly requested to register attendance by clicking the RSVP button above. The UK Modern Slavery Act is one of the most far reaching pieces of legislation in the world addressing issues of modern slavery. The financial services sector’s exposure to modern slavery risk arises in part due to its links, via credit and other relationships, to industries across the globe. Addressing modern slavery in the ASI Performance Standard March 22 Violations of human rights are a global phenomenon, occurring regardless of political spectrum or economic model. Addressing Modern Slavery examines slavery in the modern world and outlines ways it can be stopped. The steps we’re taking to reduce risks and initiate improvements within our business and supply chains _____ In accordance with the Federal Government’s Modern Slavery Act 2018, this statement outlines the steps taken during FY2018/19 to assess and address modern The potential for new developments in the law is a reminder for businesses to be proactively engaged in addressing modern slavery risk in their operations. Addressing Modern Slavery tackles the reality of one of the fastest growing form of transnational crime reaching epic levels worldwide. To address this gap, GBCAT is developing a toolkit tailored to SMEs on managing modern slavery risks. HOW HILTON IS WORKING TO ADDRESS MODERN SLAVERY The Kingston Code of Conduct sets up policies intended to protect the health, safety and ethical treatment of workers, which prohibits any form of modern slavery. … While we have all become accustomed to fast fashion and cheap consumer goods, the affordability of these commodities often comes at the price of human exploitation. Addressing modern slavery is a significant challenge for governments, businesses, non-government organisations (NGOs), and society. Reporting requirements under the Act The Act applies to both Australian (including the Australian Government) and foreign entities operating in Australia. New Tactics featured a dialogue on "Human trafficking: Addressing modern day slavery" from February 25 to March 3, 2009.This is an opportunity to share tactics and methods that are having some impact and success on the issue of human trafficking as well as discuss alternative and creative strategies that could be applied locally and globally. This critical review and research agenda was commissioned by the Freedom Fund and conducted by the Helen Bamber Foundation. For almost a decade, Humanity United has led and supported efforts to advance human freedom by combatting human trafficking and modern-day slavery. Either number is unacceptably high in the 21 st century. These were adopted by all UN Member States as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. The fact that economic globalisation has outpaced regulatory developments forms a major hurdle in addressing modern slavery. Debate continues over whether 21 or 40-plus million people live and work in slavery-like conditions. Certain sectors and industries may have . Pervasive labour exploitation is all too often forgotten in our emphasis on growth and GDP. Modern slavery is a key social issue still occurring today and is a core aspect to be addressed as part of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. This paper seeks to answer the following questions: What is the role of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in combatting trafficking in persons (TIP) and modern … Addressing modern slavery. Email. the particular industry or sector. The Board of Directors (Board) of Webjet Limited is responsible for addressing Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking risk across the Company and its controlled entities. We identify and review geographies with high human rights risks, including potential modern slavery Exploitative practices, including human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced labour, debt bondage and forced marriage, are all considered modern slavery and are serious crimes under Australian law. The literature addressing modern slavery from business and management perspective is nonetheless relatively limited (Crane, 2013; New, 2015). The Act requires entities with an annual consolidated revenue of more than $100m to annually publish a ‘Modern Slavery Statement’ reporting on the modern slavery risks within their operations and supply chains, and the actions being taken to address such risks. Further, entities will need to ensure they have a thorough understanding of their supply chains to define the boundaries of their modern slavery reporting and to underpin their identification of modern slavery risk. In 2015 the United Nations (UN) ratified 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires certain organisations to publish modern slavery statements explaining the compliance steps they take. Holistically addressing modern slavery impacts . Addressing Modern Slavery in our Supply Chain Kimberly-Clark’s well-known consumer and away-from-home brands, including Kleenex, Kotex, Huggies, Pull-Ups, KleenGuard, Andrex, and WypAll are an indispensable part of … Addressing modern slavery in our region is not only a job for government or bigger businesses: a critical mass of informed proactive consumers will surely be as significant as law-making. This survey was commissioned by the Australian Council Linkedin. Provide training and guidance resources to labour agencies and suppliers. Addressing modern slavery. Modern Slavery is estimated to affect over 40 million people worldwide. In order to read full "Modern Slavery A Reality" ebook, you need to create a FREE account and get unlimited access, enjoy the book anytime and anywhere. Modern slavery is a clear risk to people-and a growing concern globally. Addressing the true root causes of modern slavery requires recognition and an honest evaluation of neoliberalism and trickle-down economic theory that underlies our modern form of capitalism, an undertaking that is certain to be more economically disruptive and politically controversial than simple espousing its evils with an official policy dec... Addressing the risk of modern slavery goes wider than commercials and DWP is uniquely placed as a department through its contact with citizens to identify risks. Its answers are published on this page as a statement summary. Keywords: modern slavery, modern-day slaves, slavery, bonded labour, sweatshops Report examining attitudes, intentions and behaviours of consumers in relation to modern slavery. The Australian Government is taking a global leadership role in combating modern slavery through its landmark Modern Slavery Act (Cth) 2018 (the Act). companies are addressing modern slavery at the time the Modern Slavery Act is coming into force. An ILO Report, released last month, has estimated that more than 40 million people are victims of modern slavery today. Modern slavery can occur in any industry and any sector. Before you take action on addressing modern slavery, it is vital to build a comprehensive understanding of new and existing suppliers’ practices, and map your supply chain to establish a clear, realistic view of any challenges. Modern slavery describes situations where offenders use coercion, threats or deception to exploit victims and undermine their freedom. Addressing modern slavery - NSW Government procurement. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (Pub. deploy to tackle modern slavery, the role of consumers in influencing company responses, and the effectiveness of regulation in changing corporate behaviour (Caruana et al., 2021). We know that we face a risk of involvement in modern slavery through our value chain, including through our suppliers. This is the right thing to do, and it can drive better outcomes for investments and the world. Modern slavery is a global problem. L. 106-386), as amended (TVPA), and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations … Read Online or Download "Modern Slavery A Reality" ebook in PDF, Epub, Tuebl and Mobi. This book is both a wake-up call and a powerful demonstration of how connectivity and collaboration can help us eradicate a systemic and urgent challenge.' Modern slavery covers a set of specific legal concepts including forced labour, debt bondage, forced marriage, slavery and slavery-like practices, and human trafficking. These are forced labor, labor trafficking, sex trafficking, and child labor. These new laws reflect a growing awareness of the need to address modern slavery in business operations and supply chains. In the past, studies of the nexus have over-emphasised certain sectors and geographies. Policies addressing ethical conduct and prevention of modern slavery Kingston has a Code of Conduct that outlines expectations for Kingston employees and our suppliers alike. UK Modern Slavery Statement Overview Guidehouse’s Organization Steps Taken in our Core Business to Address Modern Slavery Guidehouse Inc. and its subsidiaries are committed to compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act and opposed to any form of slavery, servitude, forced labor or human trafficking. Addressing Pakistan’s modern slavery problem. Efforts are hampered by a range of factors, including a lack of understanding of the drivers that increase the risk of enslavement and the extent of the practice at national and sub-national levels. Addressing Modern Slavery in Tamil Nadu Textile Indust ry Ð A Feasibility Study Report '! Scottish Legal News is committed to tackling modern slavery in all its forms, including human trafficking, forced labour, debt bondage and involuntary servitude. Ways to address modern slavery: Identify priorities and set goals to focus your company’s (or industry’s) work. prevalence of modern slavery in . While production, trade and investment are increasingly taking place at an international level, formal institutional power, such as the creation and enforcement of labour laws, is still exercised by nation-states. Other | Dec 4, 2019. All authors contributed equally. This book covers topics such as forced labour and child slavery in global supply chains and contemporary businesses, corporate social conscience as well as the need for transparency laws. In the retail sector, the cleaning industry is considered one of the highest risk areas for Modern Slavery, and has been a key area of focus for QIC GRE. Australian sanctions regime updated to address modern slavery challenges. Australia has stepped up its efforts to eradicate modern slavery with the introduction of a new sanctions regime, an expert has said. Evidently slavery has not merely endured – it has thrived.-Nolan and Boersma, Addressing Modern Slavery, 2019. Addressing Modern Slavery. Modern Slavery Risks, Rights & Responsibilities . Those organisations are ones that (1) supply goods or services (2) operate part of, or all of their business in the UK, regardless of place of incorporation and (3) have a minimum annual turnover of £36million. Event: The role of consumers in addressing modern slavery. Brunswick House, 1 Deighton Close, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS22 7GZ. It consolidates current slavery and human trafficking offences, and introduces new preventive measures, support systems and a regulatory body. Addressing Modern Slavery starts with familiar statistics about the “estimated 40.3 million people enslaved around the world” and the daunting task of releasing 10,000 of those each day if we are to reach the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 8.7 of eradicating modern slavery.

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