One of the most serious mistakes an inexperienced veterinarian can make is to prescribe a deadly antibiotic such as amoxicillin to treat a bacterial infection in a guinea pig. Bordetella: It is a type of bacterium responsible for your guinea pig’s respiratory diseases. Guinea pigs aren’t able to regurgitate content and burp up gas as other animals can. Baytril For Guinea Pigs Side Effects And Drug Interactions. The guinea pig requires 15 mg/day Vitamin C. Cabbage, kale, green peppers, and oranges have Vitamin C. Vitamin C tabs added a rate of 200-400 mg/L drinking water can be mixed fresh daily as treatment of hypovitaminosis C. Good commercial guinea pig diets are the best prevention. Generally, Baytril is safe and produces minimal side effects in guinea pigs when given at the appropriate dosage. Complete Syringe Feeding Guide . Guinea pigs can develop anaphylactic, behavioral, or hypovolemic shock. The use of congeners should also be avoided in dogs or cats less than 8 weeks old, as well as in dogs or cats with severe kidney problems (renal dysfunction). Your … Antibiotics are generally administered orally to guinea pigs rather than in an injection form. Depending on the type of antibiotic, typicaly adverse reactions seen in guinea pigs include diarrhea, loss of appetite, dehydration, and/or a dangerous drop in body temperature. Antibiotics are generally administered orally … Some Medications are Deadly to Guinea Pigs. Help & Advice. Abscesses Do not feed fresh food with a guinea pig with diarrhea. Guinea pigs have a sensitive gastrointestinal tract (as do rabbits). In general, you should avoid giving your guinea pig any antibiotics unless you have been specifically directed to do so by a veterinarian that is familiar with your guinea pig and its health history. The hay trims their teeth and the pellets give them all the nutrients they need and help their digestive system. Good luck with them, and let us know how they get along. Incidence is higher when agents are given orally. Guinea pig and rabbit teeth are elodont (continuously growing/erupting), aradicular (open rooted), and hypsodont (long-crowned) and contain incisors and cheek teeth (premolars and molars). Bacterial culture and sensitivity results or suspicions that the GI disease is caused by specific bacteria should be carefully weighed in deciding on antibiotic use. ), other endoparasites (coccidia, rounds), hypovitaminosis C (scurvy) What would be your dx approach for a guinea pig with signs of ileus or diarrhea? It doesn't take long for a small animal to dehydrate and die, so diarrhea is a very serious problem. Fortunately ‘antibiotics’ are great at getting rid of the bad bacteria that can cause your guinea pig to become very. Dairy, including yogurt, cheese, kefir, sour cream, cream cheese, and cottage cheese. You also need to syringe feed and water as soon as a guinea pig is off its food. Sometimes, a guinea pig will scratch its eye on something in its environment. Prevention and Therapy. The reaction to guinea pig diarrhea should be rapid and initially focus on limiting dehydration. Pregnancy toxemia can often develop during late pregnancy in guinea pigs. Be sure your veterinarian is experienced in treating guinea pigs. In today’s article, we are going to discuss everything you need to know about baytril and whether it is the right option for your guinea pig. A guinea pig that has a rough hair coat, decreased appetite, diarrhea, reluctance to walk, seems painful, has swollen feet or joints and hemorrhages and ulcers on its gums or skin, is likely to be deficient in vitamin C. "Guinea pigs, like people, do not make vitamin C in their bodies." Mycoplasma: This bacterium makes your rats and mice fall sick as it attacks the respiratory system directly. Pets. Martha Hanes, in The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents, 2012. One of the most serious mistakes an inexperienced veterinarian can make is to prescribe a deadly antibiotic such as amoxicillin to treat a bacterial infection in a guinea pig. Martha Hanes, in The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents, 2012. Guinea pigs are prone to a number of viruses and bacteria that can cause respiratory infections. Never attempt to give your guinea pig antibiotics or any other medications on your own. They like to explore new places. In humans, administration of metronidazole or vancomycin is standard (Greenwood, 2007; Rupnik et al., 2009; Songer, 1996). If your guinea pig develops diarrhea from the antibiotics, stop giving them immediately and contact your vet. There are 2 recognized forms of pregnancy toxemia: fasting/metabolic and circulatory/toxic. Safe antibiotics include chloramphenicol, trimethoprim-sulfa, ciprofloxacin, and enrofloxacin. Monitor your guinea pig. If your pet has diarrhea in hot weather, your room for maneuver is even narrower. Cause: administration of an antibiotic that targets Gram-positive bacteria, thereby destroying the normal flora and permitting overgrowth of Gram-negative organisms and primarily, anaerobic organisms such as Clostridium difficile.Administration of an antibiotic that is directly toxic. But even recommended antibiotics may cause problems like diarrhea (antibiotic advice). 120 Servings. She is completely healthy otherwise, but has a URI. Bacterial culture and sensitivity results or suspicions that the GI disease is caused by specific bacteria should be carefully weighed in deciding on antibiotic use. If recently you are treating your guinea pig with an antibiotic and it causes diarrhea, then you need to stop the treatment and call your vet immediately. Meat of any kind. But, sometimes, these guinea pigs have certain intolerance towards certain antibiotics. Guinea pig pus can be quite caseous and these abscesses are not typically amenable to lance and drain techniques used in feline abscesses. Antibiotic treatment may be necessary for serious cases of scouring. If your guinea pig was prescribed antibiotics by the vet, ask your vet about probiotics. Guinea pigs need 50 mg vitamin C per day. Some antibiotics can cause diarrhea in guinea pigs by killing the healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. Incidence: The incidence of disease is rare and occurs in young or recently weaned guinea pigs as a result of an abrupt change in diet, antibiotic therapy, immunosuppressive therapy or environmental stressors. Forced feeding. Brown and Rosenthal describe antibiotic associated diarrhea in guinea pigs, a significant danger when using Gram-positive spectrum oral antibiotics, which can "seriously alter the sensitive balance of bacterial … The vet will prescribe guinea pig-friendly antibiotics to treat diarrhea. Motility drugs: that change the rate the ingesta (ingested food) is passed through the intestinal tract is given. Guinea pigs can’t eat chicken tenders. The guinea pig requires 15 mg/day Vitamin C. Cabbage, kale, green peppers, and oranges have Vitamin C. Vitamin C tabs added a rate of 200-400 mg/L drinking water can be mixed fresh daily as treatment of hypovitaminosis C. Good commercial guinea pig diets are the best prevention. Diarrhea in pigs is a clinical sign present in many pig diseases. Symptoms can be diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, etc. Profuse, watery diarrhea accompanied by lethargy is always an extreme emergency in rabbits. Specific If anorexia for longer than 24 h: can develop GI stasis which contributes to dysbiosis, enterotoxemia, diarrhea. Gut Stasis (Ileus) Gut stasis is when your guinea pig’s digest system stops working. Your guinea pig may need antibiotics, deworming medication, probiotics, or other treatments based on their diagnosis. Avocado. Penicillins, lincomycin (and other antibiotics that end with "mycin"), amoxicillin, cephalosporins and erythromycin should not be used. ... Clostridium spiroforme. Forced Feeding. Only a vet knows what's best for your pet. Parenteral ampicillin has been shown to be toxic at doses above 6 mg/kg. But even recommended antibiotics may cause problems like diarrhea (antibiotic advice). It can be deadly. Guinea pigs might develop diarrhea and other digestive issues from bacteria, viruses, or parasites. To treat diarrhea, make sure your guinea pig drinks enough water. There are many popular antibiotics (such as penicillin) that are not safe for guinea pigs and should under no circumstances be used. Symptoms include sneezing, discharge from the nose and eyes, loss of appetite, lethargy, and difficulty breathing. Antibiotics can often worsen the problem. Guinea pigs are unable to synthesize their own vitamin C through their intestinal gut flora, but it is a necessary nutrient for their survival. Early diagnosis and intervention is the best course of curative action. A half of a dropping from a healthy guinea pig dissolved in a small amount of water and added to the food is reportedly the best way to re-inoculate the good bacteria and boost appetite, especially if your pet is on antibiotics. Some of these bacteria are introduced through contaminated greens or vegetables or in contaminated water. A guinea pig diet should contain good, floral bacteria to keep guinea pig’s bowel function normally and prevent diarrhea in guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are large for rodents; the common pet breeds weigh between 700 and 1,200 g (1.5 and 2.6 lb) when fully grown and measure between 20 and 25 cm (8 and 10 in) in length. Prevention and Therapy. Frequent drinking water is encouraged whenever your guinea pig has UTI or Diarrhea as this can help cleanse the body and keep out the bacteria present in the guinea pig. Your vet will review your guinea pig’s dietary history, along with an examination of their blood and stools. 1 cup per pig Also, any pig over the age of 6 months … Milder side effects include dehydration and a loss of appetite. Just like humans, guinea pigs can develop vitamin C deficiency if they’re not getting enough of it. Improper diet - If a guinea pig is not being offered and eating an appropriate diet, diarrhea can result. Recognizing Symptoms of Diarrhea Look for loose stools. Bacterial Enteritis. What do I do if my pig has diarrhea? Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus) • Hystricomorph rodents, like chinchillas • Monogastric, hindgut-fermenting herbivores • All teeth are open rooted • GI transit = 20 hrs Guinea pig GIT • Strong cardiac sphincter • Proximal colon – Mucus in a deep longitudinal furrow traps bacteria and transports it by anti-peristalsis back to cecum Pregnancy toxemia can often develop during late pregnancy in guinea pigs. Guinea pigs that receive these antibiotics may develop diarrhea, loss of appetite, dehydration, or a drop in body temperature. They have a very … Pet breeds live an … Only use antibiotics that are under the direction of a veterinarian familiar with guinea pigs. They grow up to 10 inches long. However, do not try to treat your pet yourself. Alternative “safe” antibiotics are azithromycin (15–30 mg/kg/day, PO; discontinue if soft feces result) and fluoroquinolones; however, bacterial resistance to these antibiotics is now frequently seen. Some antibiotics cannot be used in guinea pigs because … Tyzzer’s Disease. Cabbage, cauliflower, or other gassy veggies can lead to bloat. All penicillin based drugs are toxic to pigs! There are 2 recognized forms of pregnancy toxemia: fasting/metabolic and circulatory/toxic. Antibiotics can destroy healthy gut bacteria, which can result in abnormally soft stools (or diarrhea). URI Antibiotics causing bloat? Be sure to provide your guinea pig with plenty of water while she’s on Baytril. Bacterial or viral infection - Infections can disrupt a healthy gut and cause diarrhea in your guinea pig if they become a systemic problem. Made in U.S.A. Actually, while guinea pigs do need those things, they also need veggies every day. (Both girls were also pregnant, and gave birth Sept 26.) Guinea pigs generally succumb because of the toxemia (toxins in the bloodstream) and severe diarrhea causing dehydration and electrolyte imbalances that result in general organ failure. Diarrhea. What are guinea pigs not allowed to eat? Both of our piggies had diarrhea off and on since we got them in July. Your guinea pig will probably need to be treated with a different antibiotic. Amoxicillin (Clavamox) is one that is frequently and mistakenly prescribed by unknowledgeable vets. Antibiotics should not be administered empirically in guinea pigs with GI stasis because of the guinea pig’s GI tract is highly sensitive to some antibiotics. If the pig remains on a drug it is intolerant to, the results … And if you'll tell us where you are (city/state, not your actual address), we might be able to help you find a vet. Early diagnosis and intervention is the best course of curative action. Now i am definitely not saying penicillin is 100% safe for rabbits, and i wouldn’t use it for everything. 1-48 of 133 results for "guinea pig antibiotic" Best Seller in Small Animal Health Supplies. Iceberg lettuce and the lighter lettuces give guinea pigs diarrhea. See detailed descriptio Diarrhea is not a common condition in clinical practice. I gave Gibbs his meds for a very mild URI just after his dinner and he’s been lolling around really weird and lethargic since...standing in place, stomping, yelling randomly, and rolling to lay almost entirely on his side with his feet in the air. Pathology: Gross lesions include fluid cecal contents with serosal hemorrhages and edema on the cecum. Hx, +/- culture and toxin assay, fecal smear, postmortem exam. Wet tail is a stress induced diarrhea that is very debilitating and dangerous for hamsters. While all antibiotics will affect the gut flora of a guinea pig, some are deadly and can cause a fatal enterotoxemia. Suitable for use with guinea pigs. Guinea pigs have full, rounded bodies; short, floppy ears, stubby legs and no tail. Signs: acute diarrhea, collapse, death. Individuals with severe enteritis often die acutely before the development of diarrhea. Diarrhea types vary throughout the different productive stages: neonatal diarrhea, post-weaning diarrhea and gray fattening diarrhea. Bacterial/Fungal infections: Due to their close proximity to the ground, guinea pigs wounds can easily become infected. Clinical signs for both consist of depression, acidosis, ketosis, proteinuria, ketonuria, and a more acid urine pH of 5 or 6 vs the normal 9. Actually, while guinea pigs do need those things, they also need veggies every day. Wet tail is a stress induced diarrhea that is very debilitating in hamsters and often fatal. Prevention: You can help to prevent diarrhea in your guinea pig by making sure they are dewormed at a young age, only offering them fresh and cleaned food, and keeping their cage clean and tidy. In the author's experience, an occasional guinea pig has become transiently inappetant and "gassy" on … Generally, antibiotics are tested on Guinea Pigs. Many antibiotics, including penicillin, ampicillin, lincomycin, clindamycin, vancomycin, erythromycin, tylosin, tetracycline, and chlortetracycline can upset the balance of the beneficial bacteria that usually live in the guinea pig's intestines, creating an environment in which an opportunistic “bad” bacteria can take hold in the intestines. Antibiotics should not be administered empirically in guinea pigs with GI stasis because of the guinea pig’s GI tract is highly sensitive to some antibiotics. Your rabbit may even seem to get better, then 2, 3, even 5 or more days pass and he begins to develop diarrhea and stops eating. Sickness causes guinea pigs to be stressed; if your pet is sick, hold it as little as possible. Antibiotics can cause problems in guinea pigs’ digestive tracts, so your pet may not tolerate these medications. Most disease treatments should include extra vitamin C. Diarrhea and other illnesses may cause your guinea pig to become dehydrated. Guinea Pigs are Herbivores. Introduction. Guinea Pigs are domesticated rodents. Etiology: Clostridium piliforme is a Gram-negative, spore-forming, obligate intracellular bacterium. Guinea pigs have hair like a human, not fur like a rabbit. Antibiotic ointments used on the skin can also be toxic to guinea pigs. The reason for mentioning this story is to illustrate the potential safe usage and penicillin and to give you ideas about safe usage of antibiotics in rabbits and guinea pigs. The onset of guinea pig bloat is sudden and can become life-threatening in less than 12 hours. Either of these types of shock can eventually lead to death if you don’t take the appropriate action. Following Other Treatment Strategies Move your guinea pig’s cage to a dark, quiet area. If you interested in learning about all the different types of illnesses bacteria can cause in your guinea pig, check out this article here . Baytril for guinea pigs, also known as enrofloxacin, is a popular antibiotic for pets. Gastrointestinal stasis is coming secondary as a result of the bloat and is the real killer. A rabbit was dosed with penicillin days ago and represents for diarrhea, lethargy, hunched posture, and decreased appetite. Reactions: helen105281. How much does a pig poop a day? In humans, administration of metronidazole or vancomycin is standard (Greenwood, 2007; Rupnik et al., 2009; Songer, 1996). You should never purchase OTC antibiotics for your guinea pig. Bacterial Disease The bacterial disease is very harmful and can affect the young guinea pigs between the ages of 7-10 weeks. 5 – Vitamin C Deficiency. I thought it was probably due to changes in diet, and Ginny's did clear up after a while. Antibiotic associated enterotoxemia (C. diff toxin), bacterial enteritis (Salmonella, Tyzzer's), Crypto (zoonotic! Death can occur in less than a week if the antibiotic treatment continues. If your guinea pig has been on an antibiotic, the problem may be enteritis, which just means that the antibiotic is killing off the digestive bacteria in … Diarrhea is watery brown; guinea pigs are often moribund, dehydrated and hypothermic; death usually occurs 1 to 2 days after onset of diarrhea. My 1 year old spayed female Lola was just taken to the vet yesterday morning for one sneezing. Like chicken nuggets, chicken tenders have a high saturated fat content and additives that aren’t good for cavies, to say the least. Even if you had guinea pig diarrhea episodes before and certain antibiotics helped – don’t give them this time without consulting a vet. For a few guinea pigs, safe antibiotics (like Baytril) affect the appetite and they may stop eating. The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), also called the cavy is a domesticated rodent commonly kept as pets by humans. The symptoms of diarrhea include loose, water stool, dehydration, lethargy, loss of appetite, sunken eyeballs, rough hair coat, and hunched posture. In order to prevent this condition, always consult a veterinarian before giving antibiotics to a guinea pig. If you interested in learning about all the different types of illnesses bacteria can cause in your guinea pig, check out this article here . There are MANY colors and breeds, but most types fall into three main breeds: English/Common (smooth coat, straight hair), Peruvian (long, silky hair) and Abyssinian (rough, wiry hair in whirls and twists). Antibiotics can often worsen the problem. You can give your guinea pig warm fluids orally. Dextrose solution (5%) will give your guinea pig some energy. Guinea pigs with diarrhea need to be kept warm so make sure you provide some form of thermal support for them. Fluid therapy: If your guinea pig refuses to drink water, the vet may have to put your pig on fluid therapy to restore proper fluid levels. If your guinea pig suffers from diarrhea and the stool smells bad , it is probably a sign of another health issue such as an infection. Bene-bac Plus Pet Gel is an easy to administer probiotic designed for pets. Treatment. ANTIBIOTICS: If the diarrhea is a result of a bacterial infection, your guinea pig may be prescribed antibiotics. Pigs average about 11 pounds a day of manure. It can upset your cavies’ digestive system and cause them to become horribly ill with bloating, constipation, and other health problems. Scurvy is a vitamin C deficiency in guinea pigs. If your guinea pig was prescribed antibiotics by the vet, ask your vet about probiotics. I would not give antibiotics at this point. The best solution to respiratory diseases is antibiotics. To put that in perspective, humans create approximately 120 grams (or about a quarter of a pound) of solid waste a day. If a loss of appetite, diarrhea or lethargy develops while on the antibiotic, it may be an indication that the pig is intolerant to it, or the infection is resistant to it, requiring a change in medication. A number of bacteria are capable of causing infections of the gastrointestinal tract in guinea pigs. Clinical signs for both consist of depression, acidosis, ketosis, proteinuria, ketonuria, and a more acid urine pH of 5 or 6 vs the normal 9. Antibiotics also can affect a guinea pig’s digestive system. They come with their own problems, and you don't actually know that the pigs have an infection that needs an antibiotic. Antibiotic-associated diarrhea is usually treated symptomatically. The causes are multiple: the etiological agents involved are bacteria, viruses and parasites; nutritional factors may also be present. 15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat. Prompt attention by a veterinarian is essential when a respiratory ailment is suspected. Diseases. Treatment is surgical excision, and antibiotics. Antibiotic-induced gastroenteritis as a result of a dangerous antibiotic doesn't always show up right away. Oasis Wet-Tail Drops are an effective liquid treatment for the condition commonly known as "wet tail". Drugs such as penicillin, ampicillin, chlortetracycline, clindamycin, erythromycin, and lincomycin will destroy the most susceptible gram-positive organisms, permitting overgrowth of Clostridium difficile and elaboration of its toxin.10, 35 Toxin production causes hyperactivity of secretomotor neurons, resulting in secretory diarrhea and hemorrhagic typhlitis.59 Clinically, … Antibiotic toxicity Antibiotics may suppress clinical signs but usually do not eliminate the organism and fatal antibioticinduced enterocolitis is always a concern in treating guinea pigs. Yes, a guinea pig can go into shock. In order to prevent this condition, always consult a veterinarian before giving antibiotics to a guinea pig. The hay trims their teeth and the pellets give them all the nutrients they need and help their digestive system. Antibiotic-associated diarrhea is usually treated symptomatically. In other animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs, such as those that are not licensed for use, Convenia would be … Scurvy. Guinea pigs are prone to an uncomfortable bowel function when the amount of intestinal flora bacteria becomes unbalanced or if any sudden alterations are added into its diet, slow digestion, gas, and diarrhea. There are some health issues that specifically affect a guinea pig’s eyes. Dental disease, gastrointestinal stasis, and dysbiosis in guinea pigs and rabbits. Deworming is performed is there is positive identification of diarrhea-causing parasites. Streptococci are generally sensitive to chloramphenicol (50 mg/kg, PO, twice a day), and this antibiotic is “safe” to give systemically to guinea pigs. Breeders tend to use the word cavy to describe the animal, while in scientific and laboratory contexts, it is far more commonly referred to by the common name guinea pig.

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