Dangerous and damaging plantation fires can only develop when fire is able to occur at ground level. Due to the withdrawal of a few larger plantation companies from FSC FM certification coupled with the exclusion of some forest Forests 2022, 13, 179 4 of 18 areas from the scope of certification, the current area of certified forest plantations was 19,492 ha in May 2021 [12] with 7.8% of total plantation forests are certified. plantation forests make up a large proportion of the forest estate (Forest Europe et al. Forests are of vital economic importance to humans. Introduction and Importance of Medicinal Plants and Herbs. The importance of tree plantation in preserving biodiversity and balancing the ecosystem cannot be overstated. It is also important to highlight that all land use allocations were estimated from self-reported data obtained during the household survey. Plantation is different from natural forest as these planted species are often of same type and doesn't support a variety of natural biodiversity. Approximately 50% of the country's tree plantations are coniferous monocultures (State Forestry Administration 2014).However, in comparison with natural forests, the monoculture coniferous plantations affect forest ecological services, such as . Shifting societal values, such as safety, productivity, environmental, quality and social are influencing the plantation forestry sector. Trees and forests also help in maintaining the hydrological cycle. Following are some points illustrating the importance of forests: Forests help in maintaining the water cycle on earth. The forest of Changa Manga, which was planted in the 1890s, is also in need of these campaigns that effectively spread awareness about the horrors of deforestation and emphasizes on the importance of tree plantation in Pakistan. 2005) and can provide corridors between habitats. Existing forests are critical for the preservation of carbon supplies, ecological services, and biodiversity. However, these are being cut at a rapid pace ever since the beginning of the industrial era. We as a whole inhale oxygen to live, and trees are the main characteristic source of oxygen. It has become important in times of climate change and deforestation. Sub: Importance of Tree Plantations as Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper, I wish to bring to the fore the importance of trees in our life. A main principle in protecting forest plantations against fire is that, where there is insufficient combustible material to allow a ground fire to develop, there is little or no fire risk. Forests are of immense economic importance to us. Ad- Pine forests in mainland New Zealand support a greater number of birds than native forests and they host many other plant and animal species as well. Tree plantation depends on the topology, geography and climate of the region. They also provide tourism income to inhabitants (people living in or close to forests) when people visit to see the best of nature. In Pakistan, forests are less than five percent. Tree plantation alludes to planting trees at a spot. Product of the plantation farming is totally dependent on international market. al forest area and provide about 33% of the world's roundwood. assumption (which is now could be considered obsolete) that for forestry,soil chemical properties are less important than soil physical properties 4.3 Kind of plantation In the reforestation programme, the decision to choose whether pure plantation or mixed plantation is depending on the condition of the planting sites and the Developed specifically for anyone involved with forest tree planting in the field, this bulletin gives a broad overview of preferred methods to ensure a rapid start and survival of the plants during the first few years after planting. The importance of mangrove forest in tsunami disaster mitigation Rabindra Osti Researcher, Shigenobu Tanaka Senior Researcher and Toshikazu Tokioka Researcher, International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management, Japan Tsunamis and storm surges have killed more than one million people and some three billion Why to plant a tree? Plantation forests have the po … Wood is almost as important to humanity as food, and the natural forests from which most of it is harvested from are of enormous environmental value. As a global forest certification body FSC now certifies the management of ~57 million ha of plantation forest or semi-natural and mixed plantation . A plantation is a long, artificially-established forest, farm or estate, where crops are grown for sale, often in distant markets rather than for local on-site consumption. Maetambe area of Choiseul Province : Mt. The forests of Kolombangara contain some of the oldest known survey plots in tropical rainforest and provide an important baseline for scientific research. 7. Forests are extremely important for maintaining ecological balance on earth. Controlled temperatures Supports Ecosystems and Habitats. The forest sector would desirably move as rapidly as possible away from reliance of timber logged from old-growth forests, whether boreal, temperate or tropical. The results showed that the SGB algorithm yielded the best performance for intra-and-inter species biomass prediction; using all the predictor variables as well as based on the most important selected . Forest plantations are an increasingly important forest resource worldwide. The importance of tree plantation is tremendous to maintain the biodiversity and balance the ecosystem. In 2019, the total area covered by plantations in China reached 79.54 million ha, with a stock volume of 3.39 billion m³ (59.30 m³ per ha); coniferous forests (26.11 million ha, 32.83%) and broad . Importance of Tree Plantation for Forestry: One of the most common purposes of tree plantation is forestry. However, community forest and private forest are considered to be the most important types of forest. T he importance of forests cannot be underestimated. Besides providing habitats for animals and livelihoods for humans, forests also offer watershed protection, prevent soil erosion and mitigate climate change. Structural diversity can be as important for . for example, in developed, post-industrial societies, the benefits of forests for recreation and amenity values or the maintenance of a rural way of life may be most important, while in developing countries, the area of forests available for subsistence activities or the number of people employed in the sector may be a better indication of their … Negative health impacts resulting from the processing facilities associated with forest plantations also have been found, such as the increase in respiratory ailments among sawmill workers (Cormier et al. In terms of wood production, plantations are much more important than their share of the forest area indicates, and their importance is expected to increase with time. 2011), they offer opportunities to contribute to compliance with EU Directives and commitments to biodiver-sity conservation. These large scale plantation programmes require huge quantity of elite planting materials supplied through forest nurseries across the country. Furthermore, there are various reasons behind tree plantation but the most important are forestry, land reclamation, and landscaping. This study was to test the effects of fertilization at planting and additional fertilization in the following two years on growth and aboveground biomass (AGB) of a 30-month old plantation of Acacia mangium in Northeast Plantation forestry has also been linked to poor working and living conditions in some locations (Bardomás 2009). Because of their complex structure and rich mix of species, old growth forests are large long-term carbon sinks, making them more resilient to climate change risks like fire, storms, and drought. The importance of "tree plantation" can also be quoted for conservation of forest for safeguarding the wildlife. They also have potentially great ecological importance, in that they may serve to relieve exploitation pressures that might otherwise affect natural forests (although clearance for agriculture is another matter). 2. Forests are mainly important because they stabilize climate, regulate the water cycle, and provides habitat to thousands of life forms. This is primarily driven through an ever increasing world population, which in turn influences the way nations view the value systems by which they . The total area of monoculture and mixed-species plantations in China is the largest of any nation globally, covering 69.3 million ha in 2014. It provides many benefits. For example, the plantation of forests provides humans with wood and timber, which can be exported and used in a wide range of applications. . The diversity of invertebrate species is an important component of forest ecosystems and the Despite their relatively small extent at the global scale, plantation forests are the focus In many ways, plantation forests are not much different The FAO predicts that global wood consumption will rise by 60% from current levels, creating a new need for forest plantations (Rodriguez 2014). Forests are home to many large wild animals like the tiger, lion, rhinoceros and elephant etc. Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation - Tree plantation is the process of transferring of seedlings from one place to another for different purposes. Tropical forests and peatlands provide important ecological, climate and socio-economic benefits from the local to the global scale. The wild animals are facing a dearth of inhabitable forest regions and the lands are getting cleared for farming and industrial purposes. •CONCLOUSION 3. Many forest products are used in day-to-day life. There is new evidence that the sustainable manage-ment of plantations, particularly as part of a land- Plantation forests are established, and expanding, to satisfy increasing global demand for timber products. Trees have an important role to play in maintaining ecological balance and equilibrium. Plantation crops earn foreign exchange. The ring plantation approach achieves an important balance between renewable plantation, conservation and local economic development. Importance of Forest Plantations Planted forests have been increasing in popularity as the global demand for wood grows. The percentage of tree plantation in Pakistan is very low. Forests are of great importance to mankind. Pollution levels in metro cities have touched an all-time high. In some countries (Australia, New Zealand, Chile) they already provide the bulk of wood products. Cumulative species richness across forest and plantation showed significantly higher number of species in forests compared with in the plantations even at different distances from the forest , whereas within the plantations species richness did not vary significantly among the distance intervals (Figure 2a). f Importance of Managing Mangrove Forests 19 5.0 Analysis It is admitted that mangrove forest ecosystem comprising a rich diversity of flora and fauna. Forest clearing, land leveling, and road construction on tropical forest soils cause important soil erosion in the first stages of plantation development, before the formation of a closed oil palm canopy. ), (see Fig. However, these slow-growing forests are unable to meet current demand, resulting in the loss and degradation of forest. They help in maintaining rainfall patterns and monsoon cycles. Most importantly, there is environmental importance of tree plantation. Plantation forests area by region, 2000. Trees are important for us to live in. The importance of plantations for a healthy life free of suffocation and pollution cannot be overstated, particularly in urban areas. vegetation indices in a commercial plantation. Importance of Tree Plantation for Forestry One of the most common purposes of tree plantation is forestry. The importance of forest and trees to rainfall and water supply include: improvement of water cycle, reduction of runoff, improving the replenishment of the water table, filtration of water. Why is it important to conserve and preserve forest? Through social forestry, trees are planted along road sides, canals, railway lines and waste lands in villages. • Trees as called the lungs of nature are important part of our life. 4. OBJECTIVES •IMPORTANCE •FIVE W's What is Plantation? Is informal and not precisely defined. The entrepreneurs inject substantial capital to the moribund, under-developed economy that converts it into a vibrant, dynamic economy. Forests provide various natural services and products. Forests are extremely important for maintaining ecological balance on earth. Climate change and global warming are the realities of the twenty-first century. The importance of ectomycorrhiza in forest plantations has received much attention when it was observed that trees often fail to establish at new sites if the ectomycor-rhizal symbiont is absent. plantation forests make up a large proportion of the forest estate (Forest Europe et al. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification scheme is an important global initiative that requires the retention of natural forest reserves in forest systems, including plantation forests. Forest plantations can and must support this objective. Although accounting for only 5 percent of global forest cover, forest plantations were estimated in the year 2000 to supply about 35 percent of global roundwood. •TEAM EFFORTS. Social forestry will definitely decrease the ever increasing pressure on the forests. Forests help in the regulation of ecosystems. In Europe, the area of plantation forestry is also in-creasing, together with the proportion of roundwood and other services provided by plantation forests. Region Total forest area (million ha) Natural forest area (million ha) Forest plantation area (million ha) Total plantation area (%) Africa 650 642 8 4 Asia 548 432 116 62 Europe 1039 1007 32 17 Tree plantation is in the monsoon season. Advantages of Plantation Farming: 1. Plantation forests have assumed great economic importance, despite occupying only a small area relative to native forests. IMPORTANCE • The importance of trees cannot be overlooked. Plantation through social forestry has been highlighted by the Government of India to meet the demand of fuel and fodder in the rural areas. Tree plantation is the process of planting seedlings into the ground. Of this area, c.190 000 ha are classified as Progress. Trees are useful in making environment pollution free. For example, 12% of the land cover in the UK consists of forest, with 68% of the forest area being plantation, while in Japan, 68% of the land area is covered by forest, with 42% of that being . Forests serve as a habitat for millions of animals. Mt. Once the mangrove forest is affected by oil pollution, it will take a long time of at least 10 years for recovery of the forest. This process is done in a planned manner. The importance of the plantation sector is increasing as the demand for raw materials is rising and the supply from the natural forests is decreasing. To produce a high volume of wood in a short period of time. One Billion Trees Initiative in KPK Paragraph On Importance Of Tree Plantation - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids. Where can we plant trees ? In addition, well managed forest plantations and woodlots can also contribute positively towards provision of environmental and social services and therefore to livelihood support (Carle et al., 2002), The first technical guidelines for public conifer plantations were prepared in 1982 (Forest Division, 1982). Each of these purposes of tree plantation is important for its own unique reason. Intensive palm oil production is dependent on the use of herbicides and fertilizers, whether in small or large landholdings. Forest plantations now cover about 140 million hectares (Mha) globally, representing about 4 per cent of the global forest area (FAO, 2005a). As trees inhale Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, tree plantation is the best organic way that could be efficiently practiced to reverse global warming and prevent climate change. We depend on forests for our survival, from the air we breathe to the wood we use. Below are 9 reasons why forests are important and why should we protect forests from getting axed. 2000) as well as health . Our wood comes from European forests and eucalyptus plantations in Uruguay, Brazil, and China. Logging old-growth forests comprises an important special case of this general problem. Moreover, other importance of tree plantation includes that trees help in reducing pollution levels and give us a healthy environment to live. . The slightest price fluctuation in . 2011), they offer opportunities to contribute to compliance with EU Directives and commitments to biodiver-sity conservation. Coir based products ,Coir export and Coffee . Planting trees can help to slow down the process of heat trapping of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, resulting in a rising climate and contributing to global warming. Timing is important in the regeneration process. Introduction. The aim of the partnership is to increase the plantation estate to 3 million hectares by 2020. Often, creating such conditions is a more practical option than developing an artificial plantation of hardwoods. ADVERTISEMENTS: Read this article to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of plantation farming. help forest user groups manage their own forests. Tree plantation has many advantages on the earth and our wellbeing. The ring plantation approach was developed in response to the challenges posed by unmanaged land, which is prone to encroachment and degradation through illegal logging or fire. 5. In the ten years to 2007, the plantation area increased by about 50% at an average annual rate of nearly 77 000 hectares, due mainly to private investment. )', as defined by Kanowski (1997), to complex plantation forest! Main products and by-products not only have export prospects but also have considerable internal demand in several ancillary industry. In India, it is done between June and September. 'Simple plantation forestry' refers to a narrow and intensive management focus on producing a forest crop for a limited array of purposes. Plantation forestry can be thought of as a continuum extending from simple plantation forest! The potential for forest plantations to partially meet demand from natural forests for wood and fibre for industrial uses is increasing. This effect has been observed in exotic pine transplant-ation in different parts of the world. By 2050 the total area of plantations is expected to exceed 200 million hectares, and owing to their generally higher productivity than natural forest, for A major part of our planet is covered with forests. (5): Variable that considers forestry specialization reflected in the areas of forest plantations and native forest over farm size (Bopp et al., 2020). al forest area and provide about 33% of the world's roundwood. However, these ecosystems and their associated benefits are threatened by anthropogenic activities, including agricultural conversion, timber harvesting, peatland drainage and associated fire. Trees provide a natural habitat for a variety of species. Besides these, forests play important role in maintaining ecological balance & contributes . In recent days, the importance of tree plantation has gained significant ground in many countries. Forest plantations are often a significant component of landscape-scale restoration and can bring degraded land back into production and improve the provision of ecosystem services. Earning from export of plantation crops accounts to 27% of total agricultural Commodities and 4.8% of total export. We follow our progress on responsible forestry with a key performance indicator measuring the proportion of land in wood production and harvesting owned and managed by Stora Enso that is covered by forest certification schemes. There is new evidence that the sustainable manage-ment of plantations, particularly as part of a land- Who can plant a tree? According to the experts, at least one-fourth of the area of a country must have forests. Definition of Forest Nursery: Forest regeneration is the process by which new tree seedlings become established after forest trees have been harvested or have died from fire, insects, or disease. The process of releasing excess water by plants into the atmosphere in the form of water vapour is known as transpiration. Trees provide a natural habitat for many different species. Natural . behind tree plantation is mostly forestry, landscaping and land reclamation. In Europe, the area of plantation forestry is also in-creasing, together with the proportion of roundwood and other services provided by plantation forests. How to plant a tree? Maetambe region of central Choiseul is the best preserved example of forest growing on karst limestone in the Solomon Islands, covering the . The term "medicinal plant" include various types of plants used in herbalism ("herbology" or "herbal medicine").It is the use of plants for medicinal purposes, and the study of such uses. For example, plantation forests provide humans with timber and wood, which is exported and used in all parts of the world. Trees boost wildlife. Loblolly pine (LP; Pinus taeda L.) is an organism of tremendous economic and ecological importance and a key representative of the conifers, an ancient lineage of plants that dominate many of the worlds temperate and boreal ecosystems ().LPs fast growth, amenability to intensive silviculture, and high-quality lumber/pulp have made it the cornerstone of the U.S. forest products industry and the .

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