The photosynthetic optimum temperatures were generally exceeded by daytime peak leaf temperatures, in particular in the native montane rainforest climax species. Here, temperatures are lower, fewer species of plants and animals are represented, and plants are much smaller in stature. host supported 110 species (77 hepatics, 1 hornwort and 32 mosses). Tropical Rain Forest Research Center Mulawarman University P.O. The Madrean Lower Montane Pine-Oak Forest and Woodland ecosystem ranges from 5600 to 8400 feet and extends over 25 miles of the study area, from Rough Mountain at the northern end of the Chiricahuas, to Erickson Peak, between Rucker and Price Canyon at the southern end of the range. The LEF includes 4 life zone categories based on the Holdridge system: subtropical wet forest, subtropical rain forest, lower montane wet forest, and lower montane rainforest (Ewel and Whitmore 1973). The following gauge arrangements were used: (1) 60 fixed gauges, (2) 30 fixed gauges, and (3) 30 roving gauges. Tropical montane rainforest is forest that grows on mountains and above an altitude of 3,300 feet. The tree diversity of sub-montane and lower montane primary forests is studied in plot-based inventories on two sites in Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, and the Fagaceae and Myrtaceae are identified as most important families in common. The permanent plot was conducted in the lower montane forest at Mae Sa–Kog Ma biosphere reserve. Secondary succession has surprisingly low impact on arboreal ant communities in tropical montane rainforest ONDREJ MOTTL, 1,2, NICHOLA S. PLOWMAN,1,2 VOJTECH NOVOTNY,1,2 BRADLEY GEWA,3 MALING RIMANDAI, 3 AND PETR KLIMES 1 1Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Entomology, Branisovska 1160/31, Ceske Budejovice 370 05 Czech Republic 2Faculty … 3 of 12. The Olympic Peninsula is the wettest region in the lower 48 states and the area is known for its spectacular temperate rainforest, subalpine meadows, and montane forest. In this study, we sought to characterize the sub-montane rain forest of Domi-nica, which composes nearly 50% of the island’s woodlands (Coan et al. Rainforests usually occur in regions where there is a high annual rainfall of generally more than 1,800 mm (70 inches) and a hot and steamy climate. : Eugenia fallax Richard (1792). Tropical Lower Montane Rainforest. Myrtaceae are also important in the lower montane forests. At altitudes of 1000-2500 metres (lower montane) and 2500-3000 metres (upper montane, often cloud forest) these forests are usually cooler than lowland rainforest and are almost constantly dripping with moisture from the swirling clouds which engulf them. A single Weinmannia sp. zone (150–1000m altitude) and a montane zone (over 1000m altitude). The trees of the lower montane cloud forests may grow to 25-30 meters in height on the largest mountains, while trees on smaller mountains typically range 10-15 meters. This is the highest forest in Khao Yai, found at elevations of 1,000m or more, in the area of Khao Khiew. Those located above 4900 feet (3000 meters) are considered montane rainforests . This work has shown that on small, isolated mountains and outlying ridges of major ranges, the upper limit of lowland rain forest is about 700–900 m and that of the lower Montane rain forest about 1,200–1,600 m, whereas on the main ridgesof major ranges the limits are higher, approximately 1, 200–1-500 m and 1,800–2,300 m, respectively4. To our knowledge, this is the highest single-tree bryophyte species richness reported to date. T opt for J max, V cmax and A n) than warm-adapted exotic plantation species, as a consequence of adaptation to the species’ climate of origin, which is not erased by acclima-tion to the common garden conditions. montane rain forests at their lowest altitudes occupy sites that one might expect to be subject to the most severe water-stress during any drought periods, i.e., ridgetops, knolls, and plateaux. DENR: 8 simple ways to observe Earth Month at home. Mosses grow better in the higher a ltitude zones of montane rainforests, which have lower temperatures, higher light levels and a more abundant water supply Frahm and Gradstein 1991; Gradstein, 2000. Annual precipitation is ∼3500 mm at 350 … Montane forests in Mediterranean climate are warm and dry except in winter, when they are relatively wet and mild. Montane forests located in Mediterranean climates exhibit towering trees alongside high biomass. These forests are typically mixed conifer and broadleaf forests, with only a few conifer species. Cloud Forest or Tropical Montane Biome! The Hoh River Trail is located in the Pacific Northwest's Olympic National Park and leads to Mount Olympus Blue Glacier. Description. (4) Lower montane forest. Significance of factors derived from Monte Carlo permutation tests, *: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01. IN THE LOWER MONTANE RAIN FOREST OF THE LUQUILLO MOUNTAINS, PUERTO RICO PETER L. WEAvER he Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF) ranges in el-evation from 120 to 1174m and occupies 11300ha of the Luquillo Moun-tains in northeastern Puerto Rico. Palm brake occurs on There are areas of Tabonuco which are wet but not considered rainforest, also there are areas of Palo Colorado in the western half of the forest which are wet and considered rainforest. The tropical montane rain forest in Jianfengling is distributed from 700 to 1100 m in altitude, which possesses the largest area and the richest species in the Jianfengling forest region. Box 1165, Samarinda 75117, East Kalimantan, Indonesia BIOTROPICA 32(2): 358-363 2000 Colonization of Stripped Branch Surfaces by Epiphytes in a Lower Montane Cloud Forest, Monteverde, Costa Rica1 It simulates gap formation and replacement of a 1/30 ha forest stand. The Fortuna watershed forms a high valley in the Talamanca range. During a one-year period, the variability of throughfall and the standard errors of the means associated with different gauge arrangements were studied in a lower montane rain forest in Puerto Rico. We used Johansson zones (lower trunk, upper … As the climate warms the vegetation zones can be expected to shift higher up the mountain. The field inventory was conducted by researchers of CMU and BRIT in the years 2018 and 2019. He has also pointed out that in Malaysia, certain species found in upper montane rain forest also occur in the lowlands at sites Prior informed consent was secured from the village In tropical regions, lower montane forest refers to the rainforest on mountain slopes that are distinctly different from the lowland rainforest that covers the plains, flatlands, and low hills. Tropical cloud forests fall in this range, and are typical on the tops of lower mountains, where clouds often sit. The alpine climate in these regions strongly affects the ecosystem because temperatures fall as elevation increases, causing the ecosystem to stratify. Changes in forest structure, composition, and productivity permit the recognition of three forest types: tabonuco forest (150-600 m), colorado forest (600-900 m), and cloud forest (above 900 m), which correspond roughly to subtropical wet and rain forest, lower montane wet forest, and lower montane rain forest in the Holdridge Life Zone System (Ewel and Whitmore 1973). Montane forests do not have as many plant species as the lowlands. Pono and Bariri, two sites in lower montane primary tropical forest, Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Three major and parallel changes occur in montane forests with increasing altitude. To our knowledge, this is the highest single-tree bryophyte species richness reported to date. The tree diversity of sub-montane and lower montane primary forests is studied in plot-based inventories on two sites in Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, and the Fagaceae and Myrtaceae are identified as most important families in common. At the higher end of this range, forests are dominated by oaks (Quercus species) and laurels (Lauraceae family) and rhododendrons (belonging to family Ericaceae) and pitcher plants are easily found. Correlations of environmental factors with the four axes of the Canonical Corres- pondence Analysis ordinating the odonate community in a lower montane rainforest in Papua New Guinea in 2004. The insufficient area and continuous human disturbance in most of the existing habitats can hardly maintain the future recovery and development of the gibbon population. Wildlife of the highlands Tropical montane rainforest is forest that grows on mountains and above an altitude of 3,300 feet. This spectacular mountain in the southern portion of the Central Cordillera contains primary lowland forest and lower montane forests as well as montane forests found in the … SummaryRainfall interception ( I) was measured in 20 m tall Puerto Rican tropical forest with complex topography for a 1-year period using totalizing throughfall ( TF) and stemflow ( SF) gauges that were measured every 2-3 days. A total of 129 species (87 hepatics, 1 hornwort and 41 mosses) were collected on 3 trees, using different methodologies. But there are other kinds of rainforests, too. The tropical rainforest is one of the world’s most threatened biomes, despite being home to some of the most diverse and unique species on the planet.Many of the world’s most colorful creatures reside in rainforests, and animals from tiny organisms to large wild cats find homes amongst the range of plant life. Cecropia peltata L. . Anotherline of evidence for expanded montane forest in this region is the discovery 9,48 of fossilized leaves of rainforest taxa found in the … 2). Fife, Chennery, "Understanding Tropospheric Ozone in a Montane Tropical Rainforest: An Analysis of Ozone Levels in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico" (2012). A survey of epiphytic bryophytes within a tree was conducted in lower montane rainforest at 2400 m in the Peruvian Yungas. The soil in the study area has developed on volcanic ash deposits and was classified as Hapludand. This stratification is a crucial factor in shaping plant community, biodiversity, metabolic processes and ecosystem dynamics for montane ecosystems. The vegetation is a mature lower montane rain forest (sensu Grubb Reference GRUBB 1977, Holdridge et al. Most people are familiar with hot, tropical rainforests filled with trees that stay green year-round. We used Johansson zones (lower trunk, upper … Red-bellied piranhas and pink river dolphins swim its waters. Temperate rainforests grow in cooler parts of the world, such as the northwestern United States and southern Australia. present address: Department of Biology and Wildlife, 211 Irving 1, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK … Disturbance in a forest’s canopy, whether caused by treefall, limbfall, landslide, or fire determines not only the distribution of well-lit patches at any given time, but also the ways in which the forest changes over time. Tabayoc's Montane Rainforest in Benguet. Structure of the vegetation: Herbs • 70-90% of species are trees • low light levels discourage herbs ... Panamanian cloud forests lower Cloud Forest or Tropical Montane Biome • epiphytes most abundant here • trees smaller, lianas … Tropical Rainforests: Hot, wet, and home to millions. The purpose of this study is ultimately to understand the variations of canopy level ozone in this montane tropical rainforest. and ranges from 1416 to 5023 mm/y (1975–1994; García-Martinóetal.1996).TheclimateintheLEFisaseasonalbe-cause all months receive >100 mm of rain (Zimmerman We apply an analytical method to legacy collections of Late Pleistocene to mid-Holocene cassowary eggshell and demonstrate that early foragers in the montane rainforests of New Guinea preferentially collected eggs in late stages of embryonic … ... and (2) windward and lower-elevation sites (NE) and leeward and higher elevation sites (NW) on the sides of Morne Diablotin would differ in composition because A single Weinmannia sp. • the study and collection of epiphytes one of the most ... forests lower! As the world’s rarest ape, the main threat facing Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus) is habitat degradation and loss caused by human disturbances. Dacryodes excelsa, Sloanea berteriana and Drypetes glauca were … I sampled odonates in pristine lower montane rainforest in Papua New Guinea over several months, recording habitat characteristics for all encounters with adult odonates. No equivalent attempt has been made to classify montane forests in Lao and Viet Nam. Moist lower montane rainforest classification: A case study from Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda October 2009 African Journal of Ecology 48(3):807 - 815 I sampled odonates in pristine lower montane rainforest in Papua New Guinea over several months, recording habitat characteristics for all encounters with adult odonates. The Weinmannia sp. However, although the Alps may be the continent's most well known range, there are numerous other significant mountain range distributed across Europe. The Amazon rainforest is the world’s largest tropical rainforest. Using ordination techniques such as cluster analysis and canonical correspondence analysis I then classified the odonate fauna into assemblages correlated with environmental factors. This is due to habitat loss from illegal logging, and hunting. Annual precipitation is ∼3500 mm at 350 m a.s.l. Lower Montane Rain Forest. crown were conducted in lower montane rainforest at 2400 m in the Peruvian Yungas. During Late Pleistocene times, lower temperatures allowed a suite of montane animal species to descend onto the lowland Ayamaru Plateau. Limbawon and the lower montane rainforest and upper montane rainforest of Mt. The montane ecosystems are highly affected by the climate which gets colder as the elevation increases. The data for this study has been collected since April 2008 from the Bisley Lower Tower, which also collects weather, climate and rainfall data. For example, the lower parts of the bamboo zone (which occur at the lower limit of the property) will likely gradually be replaced with mixed montane forest. Tropical Rainforest Biome. The FORICO model, a gap dynamics model of the lower montane rain forest in Puerto Rico, is documented. Glaciers are melting fast and appear destined to disappear altogether within a few decades. The Lower Montane Forest is the first biome being worked on by Soulbound Studios for Chronicles of Elyria. Oak laurel montane forest is another type of lower montane forest which normally begins around 1200m altitude on the main mountain ranges of Peninsular Malaysia. It’s believed that the oak laurel zone of the lower montane forest develops partly due to the increasing presence of peat. A total of 129 species (87 hepatics, 1 hornwort and 41 mosses) were collected on 3 trees, using different methodologies. crown were conducted in lower montane rainforest at 2400 m in the Peruvian Yungas. The rainfall averages 2651.3 mm per year. A few studies are pertinent in the reconstruction of past environments in the Thai-Malay Peninsula. We assessed the structure of twelve forest plots (0.15 ha each) which represented four types of forest use which are widespread in the study region. The tropical montane rain forest area in Jianfengling has a mean annual air temperature of 19.7°C. Yagrumo hembra (Cecropia peltata), also called trumpet-tree, is a rapidly growing neotropical tree, an important secondary species that is common in Puerto Rico.It is an early invader of forested areas subject to natural or human disturbances and is conspicuous due … The soil in the study area has developed on volcanic ash deposits and was classified as Hapludand. The indicator plant species in the lower montane forest are plants in Fagaceae with some mixed species in gymnosperm (Marod & Kutintara Reference Marod and Kutintara 2009). An example of the Tropical Lower Montane Rainforest is the Mt. Montane ecosystems are found on the slopes of mountains. Four major forest types are also recognized within the LEF and the El Toro Wilderness: lower montane rain forest between 150 and 600 m; montane rain forest between 600 and 900 m; and dwarf forest above 900 m (fig. The trees typically lack buttresses and reach 12-30 m in height. The Weinmannia sp. host tree supported 110 species (77 hepatics, one hornwort and 32 mosses). It encompasses 3958 hectares (9780 acres) of tropical rainforest specifically lower montane, lowland and xerophytic rainforest - and reaches a height of 604 metres. Lower montane rainforest. 2000 m a.s.l. A single Weinmannia sp. montane forest A forest in the montane zone of tropical and middle latitudes. The tree diversity of sub-montane and lower montane primary forests is studied in plot-based inventories on two sites in … Cloud forests typically are found at altitudes between 1,000 and 2,500 metres (3,000 and 8,000 feet), and a layer of clouds at the … From about 800 to 1500 m elevation, forests resemble lowland wet forests, with tall trees and dense canopy, and wet and lower montane zones share many spe­ cies. The Main Ridge is literally the backbone of the island, Gutting lengthways across two thirds of Tobago's surface. tropical'lower'montane'rain'forest 1.90 2.7 PAST ENVIRONMENT. The tree diversity of sub-montane and lower montane primary forests is studied in plot-based inventories on two sites in … In upper montane cloud forests (UMCF), the height of the canopy trees is usually 10-20 meters tall. A survey of epiphytic bryophytes within a tree was conducted in lower montane rainforest at 2400 m in the Peruvian Yungas. Branches also grow lower on the trunks and the shrub layer is denser. Thick forests found in wet areas of the world are called rainforests. Quite common shrub/tree of upper level of lower montane, montane and cloud montane rainforest. When the montane fauna receded during the subsequent climatic amelioration, people switched their … To our knowledge, this is the highest single-tree bryophyte species richness reported to date. 1995). We studied the temporal activity pattern of the spider wasp Pepsis montezuma Smith (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) in a disturbed lower montane rainforest, which is located in the city of Manizales, Colombia, at an altitude of 2,150 m. Females of this species are diurnal with two peaks of activity: one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. The Alps are a snow-clad mountain range in Europe that attracts thousands of tourists each year. The transition between the lower and upper montane forests lies at approximately 1800 m on Doi Inthanon, and coincides roughly with the lower limit of the cloud zone. Pono and Bariri, two sites in lower montane primary tropical forest, Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The permanent plot consists of large trees with a canopy up to 30 m high. This includes what many people refer to as cloud forests, where plants are constantly swathed in mists and fogs. A survey of epiphytic bryophytes and a study of microclimatic variation within a tree crown were conducted in lower montane rainforest at 2400 m in the Peruvian Yungas. Manugawi (Figure 2). rain forest, lower montane wet forest, and lower montane rain forest (Ewel and Whitmore 1973). It is constantly buzzing with the sounds from different animals -from the calls of birds at dawn, to the chatter of monkeys in the day, the intense hum of insects (like cicadas) at dusk, and sounds of frogs through the night. 45. It is actually rather the opposite: the floor is relatively clear of vegetation due to the deep darkness created by perhaps 100 feet (30 m) of canopy vegetation above. Montane rainforests are found in mountainous areas within the tropical belt. Eggshell is an understudied archaeological material with potential to clarify past interactions between humans and birds. Tropical montane rainforest is forest that grows on mountains and above an altitude of 3,300 feet. At altitudes of 1000-2500 metres (lower montane) and 2500-3000 metres (upper montane, often cloud forest) these forests are usually cooler than lowland rainforest and are almost constantly dripping with moisture from the swirling clouds which engulf them. The Subtropical Lower Montane Rain Forest Zone (Mature Tabonuco Montane Rain Forest) This life zone occupies less area than any other in Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands, and is found only in a narrow band on the windward slopes of the Luquillo Mountains, immediately above the Subtropical Montane Wet Forest. 2007). 1. Here, the canopy is lower than the lowland forests and fewer trees rely on buttresses. In a Panamanian lower montane rain forest we: (1) analyzed the vertical and horizontal distribution of fine roots; and (2) assessed the relationship of fine root mass to thickness of the soil organic layer, soil pH, and soil-extractable nitrogen. Download Citation | On Apr 29, 2008, J. F. Redhead published The Mazumbai Forest an island of lower montane rainforest in the West Usambaras | Find, … Although the high light levels of forest pasture edges may favor the growth of some mosse s, edges have higher temperatures and drier conditions. The regional ecosystem classification scheme information and products are used for planning and management by state and local government, business and landholders. Moraceae -- Mulberry family. The arboreal ant community in this montane rainforest was relatively species-poor and a significant proportion of trees (over 40%) lacked any ants. The lower montane forest consists of several layers: [citation needed] Mostly secondary growth with partial to complete canopy closure; A understory consisting either of smaller trees or discontinuous shrubs; A low herbaceous cover A survey of epiphytic bryophytes within a tree was conducted in lower montane rainforest at 2400 m in the Peruvian Yungas. Here the weather is cooler, and the area covered is 177.89 sq km, or 8.1% of the total forest. Montane forest is not dominated by a single family of trees; oaks, laurels, myrtles, some conifers, and many other families are common. At altitudes of 1000-2500 metres (lower montane) and 2500-3000 metres (upper montane, often cloud forest) these forests are usually cooler than lowland rainforest and are almost constantly dripping with moisture from the swirling clouds which engulf them. tropical'lower'montane'rain'forest 1.90 2.7 PAST ENVIRONMENT. High montane forest, above 6,600-10,000 feet (2,500-3,000 meters) in elevation, is often manifested as "cloud forest," forest that receives the majority of its precipitation from mist or fog that passes up from the moist, humid lowlands. There are about 2,000 of this species remaining, and their population is decreasing. We used Johansson zones (lower trunk, upper … Montane forests Beyond 1,000 m, the lowland forest gives way to montane forests. 2. Montane ecosystems are found on the slopes of mountains.The alpine climate in these regions strongly affects the ecosystem because temperatures fall as elevation increases, causing the ecosystem to stratify.This stratification is a crucial factor in shaping plant community, biodiversity, metabolic processes and ecosystem dynamics for montane ecosystems. Part I: THE FOREST FLOOR. Montane forests cover the Borneo highlands from around 1,000 metres to 3,300 metres (Mt Kinabalu, Sabah). host tree supported 110 species (77 hepatics, one hornwort and 32 mosses). A few studies are pertinent in the reconstruction of past environments in the Thai-Malay Peninsula. The Weinmannia sp. (3) The optimum tem- It differs in floristic composition and ecological character from that found at lower elevations in the same latitude, and in both respects often has strong affinities with forest found in the lowlands of adjacent higher latitudes. In order to study species in montane rain forest and their ability to adapt to a warmer climate, the researchers studied the species when they were cultivated at a lower altitude where the temperature was about five degrees higher. Tropical Rainforest Biome! Montane rainforests are found in mountainous areas within the tropical belt. Measured values were then compared to evaporation under saturated canopy conditions ( E) determined with the Penman-Monteith (P-M) equation, using (i) … Habitat : Clearing in lower montane, primary rainforest Fig 2 : Oriental Reed Warbler Acrocephalus orientalis Location : Portsdown, Singapore Habitat : Hedgerow next to railway line Fig 3 : Chestnut-crowned Warbler Seicercus castaniceps Location : Fraser's Hill, Peninsular Malaysia Habitat : Clearing in lower montane, primary rainforest 1983, Colwell et al. in a lower montane rainforest in Papua New Guinea Steffen Oppel Wildlife Conservation Society, PO Box 277, Goroka, EHP, Papua New Guinea. Generally, this forest formation can be considered an intermediate zone between …. Common genera also include Agathis spp., Dacrydium spp., Baeckea spp., Leptospermum spp., Podocarpus spp., and Styphelia spp. The lower montane forest can be seen in Yosemite Valley and along the Wawona, Hetch Hetchy, and Big Oak Flat Roads. Rare tree of upper level of semi-evergreen seasonal forest and lower montane rainforest. Rainforests, lower montane forests, scrublands and grasslands are the ideal habitats for the Malayan Tapir. Tropical montane rainforest is forest that grows on mountains and above an altitude of 3,300 feet. High montane forest, above 6,600-10,000 feet (2,500-3,000 meters) in elevation, is often manifested as "cloud forest," forest that receives the majority of its precipitation from mist or fog that passes up from the moist, humid lowlands. Methods At each site, all terrestrial herbaceous plants were sampled in 200 plots of 5 m × 5 m. Disturbance in a forest’s canopy, whether caused by treefall, limbfall, landslide, or fire determines not only the distribution of well-lit patches at any given time, but also the ways in which the forest changes over time. (Payne and Cubitt 1990). Yagrumo Hembra, Trumpet-Tree. Structure of the vegetation: Epiphytes — a cost effective method in struggle for light ! Master of Environmental Studies Capstone Projects. • epiphytes most abundant here! A large area of secondary tropical montane … The Congo rainforest in central Africa has one of the longest rivers in the world, ... and are sometimes known as the Lower Guinean-Congolese forests. To the east, the lowland Congolese forests transition to the highland Albertine Rift montane forests, which cover the Mountains lining the Albertine Rift, a branch of the East African Rift system. Methods At each site, all terrestrial herbaceous plants were sampled in 200 plots of 5 m × 5 m. [1] The biome covers the lower levels of mountains, with areas of … montane rainforest species have lower photosynthetic optimum temperatures (i.e. cloud forest, also called montane rainforest, vegetation of tropical mountainous regions in which rainfall is often heavy and condensation is persistent because of the cooling of moisture-laden air currents deflected upward by the mountains. There are several different types of tropical rainforest. The lower montane rainforest is what we call the Palo Colorado type, which is farther up the slopes in the EYNF. High montane forest, above 6,600-10,000 feet (2,500-3,000 meters) in elevation, is often manifested as "cloud forest," forest that receives the majority of its precipitation from mist or fog that passes up from the moist, humid lowlands. cal wet forest, subtropical rain forest, lower montane wet forest, and lower montane rainforest (Ewel and Whitmore 1973). This pattern was expected and could be attributed to colder climatic conditions (McAlpine et al. A tropical rainforest is a treasure trove of biodiversity and is absolutely bursting with life. The lower montane rain forest (Beard, 1949), hereafter called tabonuco forest, grows between 120 2008). Marafunga, New Guinea lower montane rainforest 6.00°S 145.18°E 13.0 4000 387 20 Tropical moist Central America Eastern Jamaica montane rainforest 18.00°N 77.00°W 24.4 1685 204 204 21 Luquillo, Puerto Rico Prestoea montana, tropical palm forest 18.42°N 65.92°W 19.7 1885 224 298 22 South America Manaus, Central Amazon, Brazil ... collected since April 2008 from the Bisley Lower Tower, which also collects weather, climate and rainfall Susan R. Silander and Ariel E. Lugo. ABSTRACT In a Panamanian lower montane rain forest we: (1) analyzed the vertical and horizontal distribution of fine roots; and (2) assessed the relationship of fine root mass to thickness of the soil organic layer, soil pH, and soil‐extractable nitrogen. The study was conducted in a lower montane rainforest region (800 – 1140 m) in the vicinity of the village of Toro in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Abstract.

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