Haftarah Blessings - Shabbat. Torah - Afternoon. Links for Recordings of High Holiday Torah and Haftarah Readings Note: I do not vouch for the quality or accuracy of these recordings. There's Friday night, Saturday morning, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Shabbat Chatan, and the haftarah for Simchat Torah. Yom Kippur Sermon By Rabbi Barry Freundel One of the truly surprising aspects of the holiday of Yom Kippur is a comment that the Rabbis make on the Biblical verse that requires us to celebrate the holiday 'b'etzem hayom hazeh' (on this very day), to the effect that 'itzumo shel yom hakippurim mechaper' (the essence of the Day of Atonement atones). Yom Kippur 2018. Adult and Family. Recite Maariv pages 390-400 Aleinu, page 401; One may sound the Shofar when Yom Kippur ends; Recite Havdalah over a cup of wine/grape juice and a candle that had been lit from prior to the onset of Yom Kippur p.403; Questions? Reload to refresh your session. I don't want to settle that debate today. Numbers 29:7-11 (p. 282) Yom Kippur Morning Haftarah. • Platform: Zoom* *Will be recorded and posted later to the Mount Zion Conversations Facebook page. Haftarah - Afternoon. . Wednesday, 10 Tishrei, 5783. Yom Kippur Sermons and Haftarah Recordings. Torah Blessings for Aliyah. After the success of SiddurAudio.com, I had been mulling for quite some time about creating a site that would make all the Haftarot instantly available online. Today's haftorah discusses the concepts of repentance and fasting, the theme du jour of Yom Kippur. In French. 284, 286) Yom Kippur Afternoon Haftarah. (30 Audio Files) 1. The haftarah was cantillated by Rabbi David Evan Markus for a public reading on MLK Shabbat (the sabbath preceding MLK Day). All page numbers are from the Mahzor Lev Shalem. This item was digitised from an audio cassette. Yom Kippur Jewish Atonement Day JewU 66. Join us as we explore the intricate movements of the High Priest on this holiest day of the biblical calendar. Rabbi David Silber. Please fill out the form no later than August 20, 2021, Yom Kippur morning's Haftarah from Isaiah seems to challenge the very spiritual practices that define the holy day, pushing us to investigate not just our spirituality but also our ethical deeds. Rabbi Katz is recording his impactful sermons to be watched when you are ready, either with a group of . Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur; Sukkot for Kids 5781; Pesach; Resources. Haftarah: Shabbat Shuva: Falling Short in Serving God , YK by Rabbi Simcha Weinberg on 07 Sep, 2010 0 Comments The Shabbat between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is named "Shuvah" after the opening word in the prophecy of Hoshea, which is read as the Haftarah. Join us as we explore the intricate movements of the High Priest on this holiest day of the biblical calendar. Torah Reading for Yom Kippur. Audio Player. " This is the fast I want: / unlock the chains of wickedness, / untie the knots of servitude. 50 mins 53 secs. I do want to put on the record my view that the prophets wanted to simplify the notion of what God's demands of us are. In preparation for Hanukkah, we are excited to share a recording of Al Hanissim, composed by Mike Boxer of the Jewish a cappella group Six13 and performed by the Chorus of the H. L. Miller Cantorial School and College of Jewish Music.. Rabbi Mordechai Perlman. Temple Aliyah (Conservative, Massachusetts): Recordings for all Torah and Haftarah readings. Last year we shared a Yom Kippur haftarah from founding builder R' David Markus — Isaiah 58 + Sounds of Silence. Audio Source Sheets An analysis and discussion of Haftarah Chukat (Judges 11:1-33) and how it connects to the parsha (weekly Torah reading). High Holy Days Readings. (Exod. David Silber is the founder and dean of Drisha Institute for Jewish Education in New York and Israel.Rabbi Silber received ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. How world's smartest person helps with Yom Kippur JewU 163. Aliyot: There are 5 aliyot on the first day of Rosh Hashanah and 6 on Yom Kippur (plus the Maftir on both days), but the number is increased to 7 if either falls on . YOM KIPPUR MORNING 5752 Rabbi Jon Spira-Savett Temple Beth Abraham Poverty in America: Keep Looking, Keep Learning . Yom Kippur: Teshuva and the Justice System Yom Kippur. MAARIV FOR MOTZEI / End of YOM KIPPUR . I enjoy reading Torah very much and feel it is a perfect way to combine my love for singing and music and my connection to Judaism. SEPTEMBER: Happy Holiday to everyone. Isaiah 57:14-21; 58:9-14 (pp. We turn to the Haftarah, and the emphasis has been shifted from the ritual to the ethical. All our synagogues — Reform, Reconstructionist, Conservative, Orthodox — read the same Haftarah on Yom Kippur morning. to refresh your session. Last year we shared a Yom Kippur haftarah from founding builder R' David Markus — Isaiah 58 + Sounds of Silence. To see all the shiurim, that belong to this topic, click on the " SEE ALL SHIURIM " link. Recordings of the leining of both Torah readings and Haftorah readings throughout the year, and the seasonal readings of the Moadim Uzmanim, from Rabbi Jeremy Wieder, RIETS Rosh Yeshiva. 1. The cantillation is based on the Hebrew version chanted by Moshe Haschel in 'Navigating the Bible II'. A Spanish and Portuguese synagogue in Paris. Haftorahman brings you a shiur on this Shabbat's Haftarah from the Book of Prophets, explaining it in . 00:00. The Meshech Chochma was not discussing the effect of teshuva (that the sin is erased), but the legal requirement of . Rosh Hashanah (Second Day) - Jeremiah 31:1-19. The Maftir is read from a second Torah Scroll and is from BaMidbar (Numbers) Chapter 29, verse 7-11. Just wanted to share some resources. You might also like Ancient Yom Kippur Observances. Other communities could possibly read more, less, or a different section of the Prophets altogether. Inspired by the Prophet Isaiah's words in the Yom Kippur Haftorah, "Share your bread with the hungry," we bring non-perishable foods to synagogue on Yom Kippur. Our Yom Kippur Morning service will be slightly abbreviated as well, but include all of the normal morning service elements including the Torah and Haftarah. On Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur the text changes from the familiar Shabbat text to refer to the holiday. evict it from its current leading role on erev Yom Kippur, it's not for lack of trying. Since I already had the basic structure of the website in place with Siddur Audio, it was just a matter of time before this . (At that link you can find a recording of the haftarah plus a marked-up PDF of the text annotated with haftarah trope.) Jonah. Yom Kippur - Shacharit and Mincha. Haftarot for Holidays and Festivals (Yom Tov) Rosh Hashanah (First Day) - 1 Samuel 1:1-2:10 Rosh Hashanah (Second Day) - Jeremiah 31:1-19 Yom Kippur Morning - Isaiah 57:14-58:14 Yom Kippur Afternoon (Maftir Yonah) - Jonah 1:1-4:11, Micah 7:18-20 Sukkot (First Day) - Zechariah 14:1-21 Sukkot (Second Day) - 1 Kings 8:2-21 clergy will lead a ten-minute family ritual of amends to begin Yom Kippur. On Yom Kippur, there is a . HAFTARAH READINGS for Yom Kippur Mincha. Yehuda HaLevi observed in the Kuzari that pious Jews on Yom Kippur resemble angels. The text, added to the Amidah and Birkat Hamazon on Hanukkah, reads, "We thank You for the miracles, the redemption, and the triumphant victories, and . Description: Masorti service 9.30am at Girl Guide headquarters Reform service 10.30am at 39 Bessborough Rd, followed by joint kiddush Liberal service 11.00am at 39 Bessborough Rd, followed by joint kiddush This Yom Kippur, Dan Libenson and Lex Rofeberg look at the four major biblical readings associated with the holiday. For the last 20 years Conservative synagogues have made Operation Isaiah a part of their High Holiday observations. This is a recording of an English translation of the Yom Kippur Haftarah reading (Isaiah 57:14-58:14), "transtropilized" according to the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible by Len Fellman. When the Eternal's word comes to Jonah, son of Amittai, to go to the great city of Nineveh and declare that their evil has come up before Him, Jonah flees from the Eternal. • Yom Kippur Afternoon, 4:00 p.m. Torah Reader: Leviticus 19.1-4: Gianna Lampert Blessing: Heather & Steve Lampert Torah Reader: Leviticus 19.17-18 & 32: Alan Herman Blessing: Rick Sours Guest Soloist: Jacob Louchheim Yom Kippur Afternoon Expanded Torah Reading, 5:00 p.m. First Aliyah - Leviticus 19:1-4: Gianna Lampert Blessing: Heather & Steve Lampert HEY! On Yom Kippur, to deepen our understanding of spiritual repair and renewal, we invited our congregation to join for a conversation about teshuvah (return) in the age of mass incarceration. During the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we devote ourselves to the process of repentance, attempting to tip the balance in our favor as we approach the Day of Atonement. Reload to refresh your session. Yom Kippur is a major holy day but we don't dress up in finery. This collection includes the weekday davening, Shabbat, Shalosh Regalim, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Selichot. Biblical Book of Jonah-its meaning JewU 152. Shabbat breakdowns are interspersed with non-Shabbat readings: Also, an additional thirty recording were added to those pages. . A form to update or verify your listing from last year, as well as a dditional Yizkor information, can be found HERE. 26-31) This festival, which marks the start of the wheat . Yom Kippur Torah Readings in a Nutshell. (646) 770-1468 The complete text (in English) for this Yom Kippur reading. A partial study of the haftarah for the Day of Atonement- Isaiah 58:1-8. (At that link you can find a recording of the haftarah plus a marked-up PDF of the text annotated with haftarah trope.) Jesse Abelman / June 20, 2014. With a bit of editing, we have managed to recover the Yom Kippur 2018 teaching from a less-than-ideal recording. Before | After 1st . Yom Kippur Torah and Haftarah Resources. This is a haftarah comprised of excerpts from a "letter from a Birmingham jail" by Martin Luther King Jr. (16 April 1963). You signed out in another tab or window. The nearly 2000-year-old paragraph isn't even a prayer; it's a strange legal formula, written in Aramaic, that turns the sanctuary into a courtroom. Finding God and Ourselves Anew. Torah Blessings. (If you don't see the embed from SoundCloud, you can go directly to the audio file here.) Make some noise for God's sake! Torah - Youth Service. Haftarah: (Isaiah 57:14 - 58:14) Please note: These Haftarah texts follow Chabad custom. . My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help. Now it is all available to everyone here on the Ramaz website. Kol Nidre: Rabbi Marc Katz's Sermon - "Our Burning Palace: . Yom Kippur Afternoon (Maftir Yonah) - Jonah 1:1-4:11, Micah 7:18-20. Yom Kippur Morning - Isaiah 57:14-58:14. A few years ago, I re-recorded everything anew and added selichot, the nusach for which I learned from Mr. Israel D. Rosenberg, of blessed memory. A word from the Rabbi; Lunch and Learn; Shabbat on the Hill; Talmud class; Text Together; Children. Please contact Rabbi Ze'ev Smason at Pepshort613@gmail.com The Mechaber says (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 622:2) that we take the Tor Haftarah (early/late) Part 1 | Part 2. Share. Posted on September 15, 2021 (5782) By Rabbi Yaakov Bernstein . Maybe this is true. Haftarot for sefer Debarim are almost completed. Haftarot for Holidays and Festivals (Yom Tov) Rosh Hashanah (First Day) - 1 Samuel 1:1-2:10. Readings for Audio Recording: High Holidays Haftorah Readings. It's just before Kol Nidre when a congregant approaches the rabbi with a dilemma: "I know it's Yom Kippur tonight and I belong in shul, but my favorite baseball team is in the playoffs and I really need to watch this game. They're accompanied by organ and feature a children's chorus. The haftarah for the morning of Yom Kippur begins with a number of themes: The prophet proclaims that we must "clear the way" and "remove the obstacles" from the "path." Rashi takes this as a call to sideline and offset the evil inclination and the evil thoughts within us that are the obstacles to walking the righteous path of life. Haftarah for Yom Kippur Morning - Haftarah Audio Haftarah for Yom Kippur Morning On this page you will find a recording of the first few verses of your haftorah (to help you get started), as well as the blessings before and after the Haftorah. AUGUST Slotski, W. Gunther Plaut, and The Jersualem Bible. This is a recording of an English translation of the Yom Kippur Haftarah reading (Isaiah 57:14-58:14), "transtropilized" according to the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible by Len Fellman. There is a machlokes between the Mechaber and the Rema concerning the berachos recited on the Yom Kippur haftarah by Minchah. There are six aliyahs (a number used only on Yom Kippur) and a Maftir. It is divided into six (seven if Yom Kippur falls on Shabbat) aliyot and is followed by the Maftir from Numbers (BeMidbar) 29:7-11. Rosh Hashanah Haftarah: Isaiah 55:6-13. 5 October, 2022. It takes a very long time to load, unfortunately -- the files are large -- but they're there. Reuben Ebrahimoff September 30, 2012. He is a recipient of the Covenant Award, for excellence in innovative Jewish education, and is the author of A Passover Haggadah: Go Forth and Learn (Jewish Publication Society 2011) and For . September 16, 2021. Yom kippur 5771. 400 West Ellet Street | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19119. September 28 - Yom Kippur Morning - Recording posted in the morning. HADAR INSTITUTE 190 Amsterdam Ave New York, NY 10023 TEL. Mincha reading: Leviticus 18:1-30 Jonah 1:1-4:11 Micah 7:18-20. First Torah: Yom Kippur: Leviticus 16:1-34 Second Torah: Yom Kippur: Numbers 29:7-11 Haftarah: Isaiah 57:14 - 58:14. Source Wayback Machine Books Video Yom Kippur: Leviticus 16:1-34 Isaiah 57:14-58:14. . The maftir relates the Sacrificial Service for Yom Kippur. Following the Maftir, the Haftorah is read. Each sale has a code: male or female, best guess about age and country of . Yom Kippur thoughts 5769 Jewu 433 Rabbi. Yom Kippur . The Yom Kippur Torah Portion covers Leviticus 16. 1 Cry out! The translation of the Yom Kippur Haftarah reading is based on the translations of based on the translations of Aryeh Kaplan, the Stone Edition Tanach, I.W. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4. This Haftarah from the prophet Isaiah must have been something to . more info». KOL NIDREI p. 458: Shema Koleynu - Melody Track. Back to Libraries. Kaddish when there is no minyan; Haftarot; Other resources; Seudah Shlishit Season; Learn Lifelong Learning. The Haftarah for Yom Kippur is Isaiah 57:14-58:14 and is included in its entirety. September 28 at 5 pm - Yizkor and Ne'ilah/Concluding Services - Online Live. Tishrei 10, 5782. Yom Kippur. We begin as one community lighting the Yom Kippur candles with insights into the traditions of Kol Nidre eve from the clergy. Welcome to the new landing pages for series on YUTorah. LoveIsrael.org Business. Observants spend all day fasting, abstaining from various . Yom Kippur Haftarah: Isaiah 57:14-58:14. This is not a logical consequence of justice, to say that an ex-con has no criminal record whatsoever! Cheder; Toddler group; Yeladenu Pre . 12:16). Jonah 1:1-16; Micah 7:18-20. Visuals: no visuals. No comments yet The haftarah for the first day of Rosh Hashanah tells the story of Hannah, a childless woman who turns to God in desperate and intense personal prayer.Since Hannah's story highlights the power of prayer, it is an appropriate selection for a day when Jews traditionally spend a good portion of their time in prayer at synagogue. The blessing after the Haftarah on Yom Kippur are included in the mp3 file for the Haftarah itself, but there is a special version of the blessing when Yom Kippur falls on Shabbat. You signed in with another tab or window. That year, Susie told me about her bar/bat mitzvah teaching course, as I had been reading Torah and haftarah on a regular basis. With the encouragement of colleagues and friends, I finally began the long process of recording the Haftarot. If either Rosh HaShanah or Yom Kippur falls on . Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year in Judaism, and the emotions it evokes are solemnity, regret, and repentance — not happiness. Learn the blessings for before and after the Haftarah reading. The prophecy begins with the words "Pave, pave, clear the way; remove the obstacles from the way of My people." A reference to the Yetzer Hara ("evil inclination") which must be removed to pave the way for sincere repentance. This reading is prescribed in the Tosefta (Megillah 3:7), and is a further description of the Yom Kippur ritual in ancient times. Do the same for Haftarah Prophetic portion but instead of clicking on Torah, click on haftarah, . The Torah reading for Yom Kippur morning describes the service performed on this day by . yom-kippur-haftarah-reading-with-english-transtropilation-len-fellman-2020 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t2g82rq2p Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Ppi 300 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Year 2018 The haftarah for the morning of Yom Kippur is full of verses that may be familiar: both restorative and challenging. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6. Avra Shapiro: A re-interpretation of Isaiah 58, the Yom Kippur Haftarah, inspired by the works of Rabbi Shefa Gold and Rabbi Arthur Waskow Hey! It is Isaiah 57:14 - 58:14. Judaism - one stop for everything Jewish on mp3, Torah audio, Jewish Holidays, Israel , Holocaust Studies, Jewish Spirituality, Weekly Torah Portion, Aish HaTorah . Rather this is a day that is extremely "on." What keeps us busy on this special day? Maftir Yom Kippur Shacharit. Mustaqeem shows me a notebook with a record of all his sales. We pay tribute to our dear departed by recalling their names at this time. Last year we shared a Yom Kippur haftarah from founding builder R' David Markus — Isaiah 58 + Sounds of Silence. 00:00. Throughout most of the year, that day is Shabbat, but haftarah is also read on the High Holidays. I recently posted a new translation of the haftarah (reading from the prophets) which we read on Yom Kippur, and I'm including it here as well: a new translation of Isaiah for Yom Kippur. Haftarah - Youth Service. Sukkot (First Day) - Zechariah 14:1-21. They ask how these texts can apply to twenty-first-century life, and they provide a variety of answers, including many that incorporate historical understandings of the Bible gleaned from biblical source criticism. Yom Kippur. P: 215.844.1507 E: office@germantownjewishcentre.org About; REGISTER; DONATE . Taamim for Haftarah were added to the Tanach webpage. Part 1. Yom Kippur Readings for Shacharit (Morning Service) Kohen (includes Levi for . September 23, 2018 in Media, The Moedim by L. Grant Luton. The Maftir for Yom Kippur is Numbers 29:7-11. Yom Teru'ah The Ten Days of Penitence Yom Kippur Yom Simhat Torah Purim Days of Fasting Days and Mourning Circumcision History Judaism, like Christianity and Islam, has developed throughout the years different ideas and beliefs by members of the Jewish communities who, at the time, were dissatisfied with the "status quo." When Yom Kippur falls out on Shabbos, there are 7. For the Shabbat of Martin Luther King Weekend, here's a recording of Dr. Martin Luther King's 1963 "I Have a Dream" speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, set to haftarah ta'amim (trope) by founding builder Rabbi David Markus for MLK Day 2018. KOL NIDREI p. 458: Shema Koleynu - Harmony Track Adult ed. With a bit of editing, we have managed to recover the Yom Kippur 2018 teaching from a less-than-ideal recording. Rabbi Hilly Haber moderated a panel discussion between Terrance Coffie, Topeka K. Sam, and Kempis "Ghani" Songster whose lives have been directly impacted by the criminal justice system, and who have . The blessing after the reading of haftarah always sanctifies the day on which it is read. Community Candle Blessing 6:30-6:40 pm. Denominations. Haftorahman: Sukkot Day 2. The Yom Kippur Yizkor Memorial Book is a tradition at Mishkan Torah. Project Isaiah. He goes down to Jaffa, where he buys passage on a ship to Tarshish. FEAST OF WEEKS (vv. The reading calls us to attention, reassures us that that God's anger will not last forever, but then seems to challenge the very spiritual practices that define the holy day, pushing us to interrogate not just our spirituality but also our ethical deeds: "Is such the fast I . The Yamim Norai'im section including Selichot, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur webpages have been redesigned. So Yom Kippur is not exactly the model of a vacation or a day off. Select a portion: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Maftir Haftarah Complete. The Haftarah for the second day of Sukkot discusses the dedication of the first Beit HaMikdash which took place right before & during the holiday of Sukkot. In response to a request on the Dreaming Up High Holidays 2020 […] Haftarah for Yom Kippur AfternoonJonah 1:1-4:11; Micah 7:18-20. How can we chant sweetly when we need to shout! 00:00. Part 1. The Sabbath in between the two holidays is known as Shabbat Shuvah, the Sabbath of Return; and Shabbat Shuvah is considered an . Sort Audio Files By: Newly Added Alphabetical Date Recorded. Torah Blessings using the melody for High Holy Day Cantillation . recording and editing elements of the service to be woven into the Rabbi Katz and Cantor Greenberg's live leading of the services. Download Audio file. And in that spirit, please open your Machzor to page two hundred and thirty-two for the haftarah. Yom Kippur 2018. Previously, the prayer-that-is-not-a-prayer annulled all vows "from last Yom Kippur to this one." (At that link you can find a recording of the haftarah plus a marked-up PDF of the text annotated with haftarah trope.) Jonah, Chapter 1: 1-16 (16 verses) Jonah, Chapter 2: 1-11 (11 verses) Jonah, Chapter 3: 1-1-10 (10 verses) Jonah, Chapter 4: 1-11 (11 verses) Micah, Chapter 7: 18-20 (3 verses) YOM KIPPUR PRAYERS & SONGS. This passage reminds us that ritual alone will not redeem us. YOM KIPPUR Torah (early/late) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4. By My Jewish Learning. in importance, and ethics is in first place. The Torah reading for Yom Kippur morning describes the service performed on this day by the Kohen Gadol (high priest) in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.. A special feature of the Yom Kippur service was the casting of lots over two he-goats — equal in age, size and appearance — to determine which shall be offered to G‑d in the Holy Temple, and which shall be dispatched to carry off the sins .

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